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Voting In 2024

by doug - 2024-07-23 16:44:05 ( in education, civics, voting, usa) [php version] rebuild

On Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 07:31:30 PM PDT, someone wrote:

This young guy is super well spoken. It's about 15 minutes long and I found it interesting to listen to a different viewpoint than my own. I agreed with some things and not others.  I'm not voting like him but can completely understand why he decided on his choice. It's also interesting to see how self-aware he is at this point in his life. I think many will enjoy listening. Will he change any of your opinions? Those in his age group will relate, I think.

Watch on YouTube

On Monday, July 22, 2024 at 07:33:55 PM PDT, someone wrote:

The video was good and I posted it on fascistbook. Our next-door neighbor (insanely liberal) has 3 leftist lawn signs. One is "democracy or dictatorship." The other two are similar. Another woman who has her rainbow/brown/black flag on her house also has the "democracy or dictatorship" lawn sign. No, it's not the whole neighborhood because Brian Dahle, who ran for governor as a conservative is also on our street. I talked to him one day when I saw him in his driveway.

On Jul 22, 2024, at 10:06 PM, someone wrote:

This [above] is the sign my neighbor has in his yard. I bet my neighbor is more fun than yours.

On 7/22/2024 10:08 PM, someone wrote:

Funny. What are these morons going to do now that Pedo Joe is officially out? They'll vote as they're told without any actual thinking.

On 7/23/2024, someone wrote:

It is amazing to see how people's political views can so thoroughly parrot whoever they're listening to.  Trump was actually president for four years, so they can look at his record.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but he was no more Fascist or like a dictator than any of his predecessors.  In fact, other than his "warp speed vaccine" stupidity, he wasn't half bad.  The economy was recovering and, unless I'm mistaken, we were not at war -- directly or by proxy -- with anyone.  Then you look at the way Kamala Harris was just anointed as the Democratic candidate -- like Biden was shoe-horned in four years ago -- and you should see that the Democrats have devolved into being the exact opposite of democratic.

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