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by steve - 2023-05-09 06:44:28 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

thanks.So it seems, his mind is okay. THat's good

On Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 07:36:32 PM PDT:

I took him to lunch, at [wife]'s request, and will probably go every Sunday this month, at least. She needed a day off after visiting him every day for the past several weeks. He was doing pretty well last year when and June visited, but has deteriorated since then. At a glance, he looks terrible -- moving very slowly, frail, with a helpless air -- but is perfectly capable of holding a conversation and recalling things. His balance and eyesight issues make it look worse than it may actually be. He says he feels fine. I had to pry a conversation out of him, but as I told [wife], that might simply be due to his lack of energy. He'll be re-evaluated at the end of the month to see if the cancer has returned, etc. [wife] says he has already outlived the typical lifespan of someone detected with his particular cancer, the name of which I keep forgetting. I suggested bringing him with me if/when I visit in Missouri sometime this year, for a change of scenery. [wife] thought that was a great idea, but he wasn't sure. You might want to call or email him once in a while. He's not his old self but will probably appreciate it. Of course, don't include this email if you email him. :)

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