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VAX Prisons

by don - 2021-09-18 09:47:51 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

Well, the would be for the un-vaxed to be killed in prison and the

vaxed to become "Humanity 2.0."

On 9/16/21 9:50 PM:

but the vaxed will just roll their eyes and say it's a "conspiracy

theory" and since it's happening to "those others" and not them (yet),

they won't pay attention

On Thursday, September 16, 2021, 03:26:16 PM


The funeral director O'Looney speaks with clarity and knowledge and


He puts it all together so succinctly it is a whistleblowing


One point that really hits home... to speak out now before it reaches

the stage where we can't speak out because we are interned in the new

huge prisons.... and as the funeral director says the unvaccinated

who will be interned there as this whole new 21st century nazi / global

fascist juggernaut crashes on (if the people don't manage pull the

brakes on it...) .... and as the funeral director says... the

unvaccinated interned in the Camps will almost certainly die (be killed)

with some kind of virus... or just be killed....

We need to find a way of communicating more with those who are still

asleep and don't realize what's happening and get very aggressive and

defensive if they are told anything that doesn't follow the Official

Narrative... find a way to do it and a time to do it so they don't just

switch off... because this whole thing is so big and so nasty and so

unbelieveable if you haven't had any information outside the Main Stream


similar posts here ... and elsewhere

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