Vaccine Tragedies Common

by don - 2021-05-06 20:31:20 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

If you know anyone contemplating the jab, get them to write their will

ahead of time:

Quote Posted by *Karen (Geophyz)* (here)

Well my brother got his second shot and two hours later we were talking

on the phone and he just sort of faded away. He told me his head was

feeling odd. I called my sister, she went to his house, he is now in ICU

with a brain blot clot. The doctors have him on blood thinner and think

they may have caught it in time. I am not allowed in ICU because I am

unvaccinated. My entire family has gotten the jab. They think I am crazy

for refusing. So I await a phone call from my sister who is with him.

Today, I am just feeling very sad at all that is happening in this world

and to us as a people.

Dear Friends, Karen has asked me to please make this post for her. She's

tried to share her personal update, but at the moment she simply can't

do it.

Her brother's name was Marty. He was a strong, healthy man. The blood

thinner that the doctors gave him was insufficient to remedy the

clotting, so they put him in an induced coma.

Marty died on the evening of 30 April, four days ago.

Karen's sister called her when the doctors said he hadn't long to live.

Karen had her put her phone to his ear, so she could speak to him.

Although he had never regained consciousness, Karen felt with certainty

that on some level he absolutely heard her.

*There are terrible things happening at the moment.*

Karen had very little sleep that night. In the morning she got up to

feed her animals, and learned, just a handful of hours after Marty had

passed, that her best friend had had the shot as well. She had been very

unwilling to take it, but it was mandated by her employer.

Marty's blood clot struck him after 2 hours. Karen's best friend, whose

name I'll withhold right now, had one whole side of her face go numb a

mere 30 minutes after her shot.

This is what's called Bell's Palsy, though that's just a name for a set

of neurological symptoms that no-one actually understands. And soon

after that, her hands started tingling. Three and a half days later, she

is in exactly the same condition and nothing is better.

Karen, who is a healer in her own right, has sent her a package of

remedies. The doctors themselves can't do a thing.

/"It might go away",/ she was told. The guy actually said those words to

her. To me, the sheer incompetence and utter lack of care and empathy

beggars belief.

So, Karen is rather under the gun at the moment. But she's doing okay,

and the mods have gathered round her in our own little virtual circle.

And all this time she's still having migrant intruders on her land,

often at night, which she gets up to deal with on her own, rifle in

hand. /(And, _also_ all this time, there are idiots on the forum who are

almost as irresponsible and unaware as her best friend's doctor, who

maintain that all that is somehow quite okay and ethically justified.

However, this is _NOT_ the thread to discuss that.)/

Karen asks that those who know her phone number do not, please, call her

to talk, as she just can't do that right now. Of course, she will see

any replies on the thread and will also read PMs as normal.

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