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Unbelievable Testimony

by steve - 2023-09-29 23:49:07 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

admitting one's error is an adult thing and as I've repeatedly said, adultism isn't a typical trait of liberals

On Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 07:46:57 PM

Did you pay attention to the past 3 years enough to remember all the vax and mask mandates? Yet the sh-theads on the left are trying to gaslight everyone and say they never did it. Well, what else would anyone expect from these psychopaths?

Hi ,

*Since Sept. 30 is a Saturday, I wanted to make a quick note about the very important Third Quarter Deadline. This is our first report since Newsom's hand-picked candidate entered the race and the last before candidate filing. It's a pivotal moment, and we really need a strong showing. You can make a donation online at this link.

I've just published a new blog post:

The covid Memory Hole

The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of covid. Yesterday, the official responsible for the illegal employee vaccine mandate " which targeted 84 million Americans until the Supreme Court struck it down " tried to deny it ever happened.

This came during a hearing I chaired of the Workforce Subcommittee. The official, David Parker, is head of the 'OSHA' agency, which formally enacted Biden's vaccine mandate in November of 2021. Yet Parker testified: 'we didn't demand anyone be fired.'

This follows HHS Secretary Becerra saying 'we didn't force anyone to do anything,' despite imposing a toddler mask mandate, and Education Secretary Cardona baldly lying about his past promotion of child vaccine mandates.

To make sure they don't get away with this, I've put together a short video showing the false testimony of Parker, Becerra, and Cardona. The video is on track to receive millions of views across platforms. You canwatch it here and share it onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter.

The concerted effort to rewrite history is telling. It shows we have won the debate. The unthinkable abuses of the covid era can't be justified, so the perpetrators are trying to send them down an Orwellian memory hole. Then, they'll all-too-readily do the same thing again.

Parker, the OSHA head for Biden, previously held the same position in California for Newsom. Inmy opening statement at the hearing, I reviewed how his and Newsom's abuses were the worst anywhere " including the most ridiculous mask policy of the whole covid era.

Along with Julie Su, Parker is another example of Newsom's failures going national. With these two perverse trends " to rewrite the history of covid and to spread California's politics nationwide " our fight for sanity is more important than ever.

Provide Citizen Support before the Sept. 30 deadline

Kevin KileyCalifornia Congressman

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