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Trump Farewell Message

by don - 2021-02-04 12:51:01 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

Dent says save your dollars and wait for the Greatest Depression and buy

whatever you want at a discount

On 2/2/21 11:19 PM:

Good videos.


So, Rickards says that Gold or property will be good.

I didn't gather what would be good from Dent.

On Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 03:41:16 PM PST


Jim Rickards is about as smart as it gets on the economy, and this is

a good interview:

and in case you don't think the markets are in a bubble, Harry Dent

explains it in no uncertain terms:

On 2/1/21 4:35 PM someone wrote:

Personally, I wouldn't make any investments until this bubble bursts.

On 2/1/21 4:09 PM someone wrote:


Silver shot up today because the Reddit short squeeze team decided to

start a run on silver in their war against the hedge funds.

But if you want a good discussion on whether metal will do well or no

in an inflationary vs deflationary future, here's Harry Dent (Mr

Deflation) vs Peter Schiff (Mr Inflation):

On 1/23/21 2:50 PM:

My concern is about short term. I have a lot more confidence in the

long term value of silver.

I am thinking it's a certainty that under Biden silver will shoot up.

But when Trump is back and we phase into the Nesara or whatever it's

called, how will that affect metals.

I just hate the idea cash will be be so devalued by inflation that I

should get silver fast or take a wait and see approach.

Saturday, January 23, 2021 7:26 AM



Silver could go down if it looks like govt spending will be reined

in.  But probably not, because Trump is not exactly a fiscal

conservative either.

On 1/23/21 3:30 AM:

If you can imagine that Trump got a 2nd term (which I know he will

very soon), what would you expect the silver market to do under those


Friday, January 22, 2021 3:01 PM



This supports what I posted below.

Not only was his motorcade *NOT SALUTED*, troops openly turned

their backs on him as he passed by.

Video at:

... the difference between the Trump's inauguration and Biden's

is that at the Trump one, security *are facing the crowd on the

lookout for potential nutcase* while their officers are saluting...

With Biden's, there is no crowd to face and *their officers are

not saluting*!

Yes, I've watched both and this is very clear

On 1/22/21 4:26 PM someone wrote:

found this:

Why was Biden denied access to a government plane if he is prez? Why

was Trump still being flown around on one even as of yesterday in

one when he is not prez? Why is the military still there if it was

just for the inauguration? Why would they need 25,000 more troops to

D.C. when they already have 65,000 there and who ordered these

soldiers up if not Biden? Why did the military stare Biden down like

he was very much disliked? Do they know something? And lastly what

on earth is going on that there would be rumors flying all over that

the military will be there till Sep of 2021!?Oh and with 4300

deputized with full arrest authority as U.S. Marshals that would

mean that there is an expectation in the air of mass arrests yes?

Certainly more, perhaps much more is yet to come.


I was listening to a pre Inauguration video by Magenta Pixie and she

said there could be two presidents for awhile. What occurs to me is:

What if the military, having hard data that the election was stolen,

don't recognize Biden as president? What if the civilian govt

recognizes Biden and the military doesn't? What if they plan to

continue taking orders from Trump?

On 1/21/21 9:37 PM:

Yea, I get it and that's funny.

But I am still hoping and believing that somehow, some way that has

nothing to do with Q that Trump will actually have his 2nd term by

some miracle.

In the meantime, I'll do what I can to improve things.

I just saw post "this guy's great" and maybe it's in response

to An0maly. Yea, I agree. I have been following him for a while.

Very smart.

Thursday, January 21, 2021 7:22 PM


the removal of biden has been postponed till mid apr :-)

On 1/21/21 8:32 PM:

I'm taking a break from Simon Parkes. Had enough for a while.�

On 1/21/2021 6:28 PM:

You might appreciate this:

Psy-Op Exposed! Why Are These People Lying To Us? (I

Answer All Messages Here)

(Free Email

List) (Shirts & Hats)

Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:50 PM



well, here's more hopium from parkes

On 1/19/21 7:16 PM:

"Virtually all the psychics, card readers and astrologers said

he was a 2 term president, like it was "written.

Still think this will happen, somehow. No idea how, though.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 5:12 PM



The deep state pulled out all the stops to get rid of Trump.

Immediately named him a racist because he wanted a real border.

The Russia hoax and impeachment. 100% anti-Trump news every

night. The massive Q psyop. The vote rigging that Trump foresaw

but was unable to stop. It was a war on populism and independent

thinking. He was supposed to have a 2nd term. Probably got 55%

of the vote. Virtually all the psychics, card readers and

astrologers said he was a 2 term president, like it was "written."

On 1/19/21 5:55 PM:

"Prather's like that guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail,

still fighting after his limbs are cut off." -- FUNNY!�

But in truth, that's what we need now. Sure, go ahead and give

up, but don't go asking for help when you don't help.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 2:11 PM



Prather's like that guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail,

still fighting after his limbs are cut off.

On 1/19/21 3:40 PM:

similar posts here ... and elsewhere

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