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by don - 2021-05-11 22:30:45 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

Sweden stops using PCR tests due to 96% false positives:


*A growing body of research indicates an unacceptable level of false

positives (96% at 35 cycles and above) to make the PCR a reliable

diagnostic tool for covid.*

Guidance on criteria for assessment of freedom from infection in covid-19

The Swedish Public Health Agency has developed national criteria for

assessing freedom from infection in covid-19.

The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish

between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been

neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be

used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. RNA from viruses

can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but

does not mean that you are still contagious. There are also several

scientific studies that suggest that the infectivity of covid-19 is

greatest at the beginning of the disease period.

The recommended criteria for assessing freedom from infection are

therefore based on stable clinical improvement with freedom from fever

for at least two days and that at least seven days have passed since the

onset of symptoms. For those who have had more pronounced symptoms, at

least 14 days after the illness and for the very sickest, individual

assessment by the treating doctor.

The criteria have been developed in collaboration with representatives

of the specialty associations in infectious disease medicine, clinical

microbiology, hygiene and infection control. These have most recently

been discussed in the group at a meeting on 19 April 2021 due to the new

virus variants. The assessment was then that no update was needed. The

recommendations will be updated as new knowledge about covid-19

infectivity is added.

On 5/10/21 6:07 AM:

That doesn't ring any bells with me. This Dr. Robert Young seems

to exist.


Sent: *Sunday, May 9, 2021 11:05 PM *


Not sure, but I think this is the same article I ran across maybe 6

months ago and checked into this and couldn't verify this person


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:16 PM


Apparently what they are calling covid-19 is Influenza A and Influenza

B (after testing 1500 samples).

Virologist/Immunologist is suing the CDC

On 5/9/21 4:53 PM


I think the standard reaction is for a fever to kill off bacteria,

but a virus goes under the radar, so you have to help it out by

inducing sweat

On 5/9/21 3:45 PM:

Yea, that reminds me that ie has had at least 2 and maybe

3 cases of extremely high temperatures. It got to about 105º

if I recall.

And while that was pretty worrisome, especially the first time

we really freaked out, he amazingly was fine the very next

day. It was so high that his body killed off whatever it was

making him sick.

I remember his doctor was also surprised and sort of just said

it can sometimes be amazing like that.

But from my experience, it is the exact opposite for a flu and

getting a fever.

Sunday, May 9, 2021 1:28 PM



Typically your temperature will go below normal for a cold or

flu. A good way to get over it is to sweat it out by bundling

up in blankets. The heat kills it.

On 5/9/21 3:19 PM:

Strange, because in past cases for myself, I can't

remember a single flu that didn't come with a fever. Same

for my family.

Here is something else:

*Globalist World Population Goal = 500,000*

Dr Vernon Coleman -- Why And How They Plan To Kill 7


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Sunday, May 9, 2021 1:16 PM



It's rare for a flu or cold to give you a fever.

On 5/9/21 2:17 PM:

For us, we got a poster that said "covid Zone -- Stay

Away!" which was effective.

Since having a fever is not connected to any other

disease, I can see how it must be covid.

But it's interesting about being weak for months. I

have learned that it could have some connection to

your mitochondria which is the power source of our

bodies, if I understand it correctly.

Sunday, May 9, 2021 5:32 AM




well, the hallmark of covid is supposedly a fever

I missed a few days of work, and made a point of

staying in bed after work and on weekends. My temp

fluctuated between fever and chills. I was weak for

months after.

On 5/9/21 6:57 AM:

If we had it, it was in March 2020 from ie's

guitar teacher who said he had it while we went to

his place and he came to us each week.

And if that was our own covid experience, I guess

our superior immune systems saved us and nobody

noticed much of anything but an extremely mild

case of the sniffles.

Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:53 AM



I agree with .  This thing called "covid" is

most definitely a hoax, and by that I mean it's

been blown WAY out of proportion. It's just

another strain of flu.  I had it, too, probably,

in Feb. 2020.


Sent: *Sunday, May 9, 2021 6:09 AM *


You can't awake the woke

covid is not a hoax, I had it in Feb of 2019. It's

just not from Wu Han. It's been in the population

for a few years. If you had a flu with fever, that

was probably what they're now calling covid. You

probably have 17-year immunity, unless you screw

that up with a "vaccine."

On 5/9/21 3:38 AM:


For nearly a year now, the bulk of my time has

been spent trying to open the eyes of people

about the covid hoax and then the election

fraud, and now the covid shot that is a bioweapon.

I think I'm finally done with that. Maybe no

more people are willing or able to wake up. I

hope I AM

wrong, but how many times have you

found such an amazing article or video you

absolutely know this is going to finally wake

up a dedicated sleeper? It has happened to me

way too many times. And I have come to the

conclusion some people, or even many (maybe

most) people are too brain damaged to wake up.

They are simply going to perish in the

upcoming disaster.

It's very sad, but if you take a step back and

view the situation from afar, we must all

realize people are following their own path

and maybe that path includes staying asleep

until their doom. Each person has ultimate say

over what they do or not do. You can't make

someone drink if they don't want.

Maybe I'm just frustrated and lack the

communication skills to convince people who

have fallen for any of the plandemic traps.

I will now stop looking for new ways to wake

people up when I watch videos or see great

articles. My new criteria is whether the video

or article is informing myself of something I

didn't already know. If it's just another

similar message, I may not share it and may

just shut it down. I'm looking for what new

information I can learn now and everyone else

will probably keep sleeping if they don't see

that there is something wrong by now.

The time I free up will be devoted more to the

solutions, the DOING and volunteering my time

- boots on the ground.

The education time is mostly over, though I

will keep up with any new developments.


If I decide to share anything, I probably

won't add my own comments and probably just

post only on my own profile instead of sharing

to all the groups I belong to.

And I AM

encouraged by all the numerous things

happening, especially to fix the political

situation that has prevented honest elections.

If you are at the same stage as myself and

looking for something better to do with your

time, I highly recommend you look in your area

to find out who else is making a difference by

doing something.


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