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The Virtual Recovery

by admin - 2012-11-07 06:00:00 ( in life, money, economy) [php version] rebuild

"...the low 2011 real median household income is the summation, in most cases, of two household earners, whereas in 1967–68 one earner could produce the same real income. As Nobel economist Gary Becker, my former colleague and Business Week columnist, pointed out, when both husband and wife have to work in order to maintain the same purchasing power, household income from the wife’s in-kind household services is eliminated. Therefore, the monetary measure of the dual household income overstates income, because it is not adjusted for the lost benefits formerly provided by the wife who at home managed the household.

Americans are far more oppressed by the power brokers in Washington than statistics display. Moreover, the young are born into the oppressive, exploitative American system and do not know any different. They are fed by the presstitute media with endless propaganda about how fortunate they are and how indispensable their wonderful country is. Americans are kept in a constant state of amusement, and many never grasp the loss of their civil liberties, job and career opportunities, and respect that the US won during the decades-long cold war with Soviet Communism."

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