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The Problem With Assigning Blame To Any One Group

by bill - 2021-07-02 22:51:25 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

Received the following email this morning. My reply is at the bottom.

[trusted source]. Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Subject: Jews control the Jesuits

"I've heard you say the zionists (anti-semites) don't control the world but the Jesuits do. Well, this person differs: jews control the jesuits

The problem with assigning blame to any one group or another is that you'll never hit your target. The guilty are, and always have been, individuals (and ideas) who flit in and out of SEVERAL groups (using these groups as cover) as they weave their sinister little (OK, not so little) webs of deceit.

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