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The American Republic Has Fallen

by doug - 2024-06-03 15:18:51 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

In case you are not paying any attention, demon people, mostly who identify as Democrats, are mindlessly cheering the complete charade scam trial of Trump. It's so hopelessly insane that only a moron can't see by now we have no equal justice under the law.

The very next day these same insane criminals in the government have been trying to shut down the Infowars studio. Alex Jones has prevented that by sleeping there for the past two nights. Time after time the deep state cretins in this illegitimate government have arrested people on bogus charges, and the January 6th prisoners have yet to see justice if they refused to sign false statements of crimes created by the Democrats in charge.

The sh-t is really starting to hit the fan now. Here's a tiny glimpse of all this.

On Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 06:12:50 PM PDT:

"Demon people"? Followers of Satan/Lucifer? I thought you didn't believe in that sort of thing (and also not God).

As I saw when doing the research for my Conspiracy of Morlocks story because they wanted to go back to when it started, it started with Cain slaying Abel, his creation of the Canaanite people, them dispersing to join the Hittites, them dispersing to go up to Khazaria (now called Ukraine), and the fake Semite Ashkenazis furthering Satan's goal to destroy God's humanity.

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