![]() Terrifying Warning - Stay Away From People Who Got Vaxxedby don - 2021-04-29 09:45:35 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildHe also says that the lipid nanoparticles that penetrate the blood-brain barrier have never been used before. Worth listening to. On 4/28/21 5:43 AM wrote: This doctor points out that we have no idea whether the body ever stops producing the spike protein. https://www.bitchute.com/embed/mb8LukxsuslV/ On 4/28/21 5:24 AM wrote: The whole purpose of the scamdemic was to promote the mrna vaccines. So there's something fishy with them. Possibly sterility. But I'm still don't see any reason to shun people who've had the vaccine. Living with a vaxed person might be problematic if their body is reacting badly to it, as in Gulf War Syndrome contagion. On 4/28/21 1:09 AM: ... if you can believe anything mainstream (Reuters and Children's Hospital). This hospital guy is fooled or lying about not changing DNA. A Harvard study says mRNA indeed changes DNA. This was mentioned in a David Icke video about 2 weeks ago. And is this same guy advocating for the covid injection? If so, another strike. We also know there is a many billion dollar campaign to promote these shots. No way is Big Pharma to be trusted and I would expect the worst and listen to the doctors fighting and warning against it.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:15 PM
Re: terrifying warning -- stay away from people who got vaxxed According to these (mainstream) articles, the body stops producing spike proteins after the mRNA is destroyed, which is quickly. So it's kind of a one and done. So the idea that someone is doomed after getting the vax may be overblown. Of course, we don't know what else they put in it, except that they won't tell us. So I wouldn't be surprised if it induces sterility. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccines-mrna-idUSL1N2L9187 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTXnCcBHGDM&feature=emb_logo On 4/26/21 8:39 PM wrote: , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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