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by don - 2020-07-25 21:37:56 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

In just a few short months Anders Tegnell, architect of Sweden's unique

response to the covid-19 pandemic, has gone from unknown physician and

technocrat to a household celebrity in Sweden and in countries around

the world. He is beloved by some (people have even had tattoos made with

his face) and intensely disliked by others. Today he is suntanned and

relaxed, having just returned from his summer holiday, and wearing an

open-necked polo shirt. Here is a summary of what he said:

- In terms of migrants, travel and urban areas Sweden is more similar to

the Netherlands and the UK than Norway or Finland

- Lockdown may have made a difference, but closing schools and people

being out of work is also bad for public health

- Numbers of new infections arriving at the same time seems to make a

big difference, so Stockholm half-term travellers to the Alps a big

factor for Stockholm epidemic

- Eradication is not an option, 'we have to learn to live with this disease'

- Evidence for masks still very weak, and they may yet be

counterproductive. With all the trends going sharply down, it would make

no sense to introduce them now

- Additional immunity such as T cells playing a substantial role in

slowing spread – 'what we see right now is a rapid fall in the number of

cases, and of course some kind of immunity has to be involved in that as

nothing else has changed.'

- Sweden will be better placed than other countries to limit further

waves and outbreaks because of higher immunity

- IFR of covid-19 in final account will be 0.1% to 0.5% -- "and that is

not radically different to what we see with the yearly flu"

- Judge me in a year, he says.


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