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Sowing My Oats (actually, Some Wheat)

by steve - 2022-11-15 12:38:15 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild


Some years back, I got notion to try sowing wheat and oats on the vacant land by the bike trail. I didn't know better and just flung it on the ground. Well, I never saw any crop. That was partially due to me sowing it so late that it didn't rain much afterwardI decided to try it again. This time I researched it and it's supposed to be planted maybe 2 inches deep. Well, today was that day.Boy that soil by the river is super, great "sandy loam". It was also nice that it was a bit damp from some rain we had. Well, I sowed maybe 100 square feet. It was hard to till the soil since my best tool was this simple garden thing. It ought to get enough rain this timeHere's pictures:


Some years back, I got notion to try sowing wheat and oats on the vacant land by the bike trail. I didn't know better and just flung it on the ground. Well, I never saw any crop. That was partially due to me sowing it so late that it didn't rain much afterwardI decided to try it again. This time I researched it and it's supposed to be planted maybe 2 inches deep. Well, today was that day.Boy that soil by the river is super, great "sandy loam". It was also nice that it was a bit damp from some rain we had. Well, I sowed maybe 100 square feet. It was hard to till the soil since my best tool was this simple garden thing. It ought to get enough rain this timeHere's pictures:--=127214_541573415.1668458295073--

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