Somebody Figured It Outby don - 2021-07-30 21:43:15 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildthe text: Demons and AI Dem,ons & AI Computers have a vibrational compatibility with demons. Demons have a vibrational incoompatibility with Humans. What we call aliens are of the demonic vibration.Pure human consciousness can be called"Christ Concsciousness." People with christ consciousness have a vibrational incompatibility with computers. If you achieve a palpible strength or purity of christ consciousnesss, computers will become "balky." You will find thhem just not doing what they're told, or failing frequently. And what we call aliens are of that demonic vibration. I once achieved a spiritual breakthrough and "shapeshifted" to my personality of childhood. It felt wonderful, almost like a warm pilot light in my chest. But immediately computers and networks started to misbehave. Strictly mechanical things also: the internet provider cable from the street felll off the poll. After they fixed it, it felll of again within 3 days. Since it was fixed, the network tests fine, but it keeps going in and out for no discernible reason. I keep having to employ backup system,s and workarounds. And the higher the consciousness of my thoughts or writing, the more balky the machines get. I have noticed this on certain guests or topics on Coast radio, and the host has commented on it ("they're censoring us," George Noory will say sometimes, not completely erious. I often have problems printing to a network printer for no discernible reason. Pings check out... I can forsee a need for typewriters, especially the old memory writers. Where you can print directly from screen to page with no network in between. It seems the more complex the network, the more failure-prone it is – as if all the machines are ganging up on the humans. Examining this issue, the state of our world makes more sense. Why does Elon Musk want to hook us up to computer networks? Because unless we become more machine-like (more demonic), we are a big problem for the global AI. Whey does Netflix promote depraved congtent like nobody's businesss? Because our fledgling Christ Consciousness is a big problem for the New World Order. When a person energetically shapeshifts to a more human state, they become an impedimentto the world consciousnesss matrix. They won't be happy until we are all demons. A good Christ Consciousness shapeshifter leture is callled Innocence that is powerful not vulnerable, by a Christian Science minister. On 7/29/21 5:42 PM wrote: similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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