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Rules For Thee But Not For Me (Newsom)

by doug - 2021-03-02 10:29:55 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

There are millions of morons which I define a bit differently than the dictionary.

Morons are those who are too blind to see what is in front of their noses because they have literally been brainwashed by media using the CIA technique called Mockingbird Media. They will defend to the death their implanted ideas and the only thing that can allow them to break free of this is when the people (media) tell them something new, or a person they are told they can trust (by the media) tells them what else to think. They are unable to form opinions on their own, but think they can.

Just ask someone if they believe masks work and if the answer is "yes" you have found a moron.

But there is a difference in mask wearers. Many know they don't work, but feel a need to wear one because they don't want to make waves or discover they were born with a back bone. They will gladly trash the mask once they meet someone without one and see it's not necessary. I love when I meet such people.

Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 9:33 AM

no, he's not a moron. he just figures that there's enough morons ("Peasants") who don't care what he (an "elite") does. Well, he seems to be right that there are enough of those morons!

On Monday, March 1, 2021, 09:25:51 AM PST:

And he was stupid enough to post it to TikTok himself, if this is the incident I already read about. What a moron.

Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 11:23 AM

Gavin Newsom Caught Eating Inside Diner In County That Doesn't Allow Indoor Dining (Details)



Gavin Newsom Caught Eating Inside Diner In County That Doesn't Allow Ind...


Isn't he just the best!?



There are millions of morons which I define a bit differently than the dictionary.

Morons are those who are too blind to see what is in front of their noses because they have literally been brainwashed by media using the CIA technique called Mockingbird Media. They will defend to the death their implanted ideas and the only thing that can

allow them to break free of this is when the people (media) tell them something new, or a person they are told they can trust (by the media) tells them what else to think. They are unable to form opinions on their own, but think they can.

Just ask someone if they believe masks work and if the answer is "yes" you have found a moron.

But there is a difference in mask wearers. Many know they don't work, but feel a need to wear one because they don't want to make waves or discover they were born with a back bone. They will gladly trash the mask once they meet someone without one and see it's

not necessary. I love when I meet such people.

Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 9:33 AM


no, he's not a moron. he just figures that there's enough morons ("Peasants") who don't care what he (an "elite") does. Well, he seems to be right that there are enough of those morons!

On Monday, March 1, 2021, 09:25:51 AM PST:

And he was stupid enough to post it to TikTok himself, if this is the incident I already read about.  What a moron.


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