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Roseanne Barr: Two Major Parties Are Prostitutes For Big Money

by admin - 2012-06-02 11:00:00 ( in education, civics, politics) [php version] rebuild

"RB: I think this government is broken and unfixable, and it needs to be tossed out and replaced with a parliamentary government. This one is just a whored-out bunch of prostitutes who work for big money. Big money is what's in the saddle and the citizens of this country are down on all fours.

JH: It's interesting that in the wake of World War II it was American forces that helped draft the German and Japanese constitutions, and they both have parliamentary systems where if you win 10 percent of the vote your party gets 10 percent of the seats."

Read, listen or watch the rest here (prepare for so many popups, they'll cover the entire screen): Roseanne Barr on Presidential Run: Two Major Parties Are a Bunch of Prostitutes Who Work for Big Money

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