![]() RFK Jrby doug - 2020-05-05 00:19:12 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild
charset="us-ascii" www.goproject180.com [ https://www.goproject180.com/hosted/images/df/88b2064e204ef08a268acfd18f6ae1/Final-Logo_web.png] PROJECT 180Launch Your right to object to vaccinations is part of the vaccination law. Any school, daycare, or sports team that requires vaccines must also allow for an exception based upon violation of your religious beliefs. www.goproject180.com This website is a new place I just a second ago signed up for. Since Greg mentioned a tetanus shot, I looked there at a quick video about this. And it gave me this attached PDF which I didn't yet read. It is full of documents for each and every vaccine to inform the person about it. ________________________________
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 2:45 PM To: William ; Subject: Re: There is no reason to separate out those MMR vaccine injuries from all the others. They all belong in the same camp and are no different than kids dying from Vitamin K or whatever else acts cumulatively to injure them with the heavy metals of aluminum and mercury, etc. That's why I appreciate the approach of Dr. Shiva who wants to eliminate the entire vaccine industry and return vaccines to a personal choice. News today has Newsom advocating Remdesivir which costs about $1,000 a dose and is run by Fauci himself, rather than the Hydroxychloroquine / zinc treatment that the media has been falsely bashing as dangerous. They are not informing the public that a great percentage of the people in the trial are dying from it. You really need to see the Dr. Shiva analysis of this from yesterday. He lays out the science. ________________________________ don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 2:14 PM ; Subject: Re: not to the parents of MMR victims (autistic children) On 5/4/20 4:07 PM: OK, then he's worthless. ________________________________ don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 1:49 PM ; Subject: Re: As I said, he's not anti-vax and hasn't said he was. He's lobbying for safe vaccines. https://www.worldhealth.net/news/rfk-jr-wins-case-against-government-vaccine-safety-violations/ On 5/4/20 1:12 PM: He doesn't give that impression that he is narrowly focused on MMR. It's just the one he is complaining about. So people think YEA he's on our side against vaccines, but it's clearly not true. And so that's a form of disguise - appearing as a vaccine fighter when he is pro-vaccine. You can't really have it both ways - promoting them and fighting against this one particular thing, as if that's the only one that is terrible. ________________________________ don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 10:11 AM ; Subject: Re: No, he has been an advocate against the MMR vaccine. Just because he's a Democrat doesn't make him a wolf in sheep's clothing. Almost all Democrats supported Hillary. Does that mean they were in favor of what she did in Libya? Trump is not anti-vax, either. On 5/4/20 11:25 AM: What point do you object to about the facts against JFK Jr. He has been acting like he is fighting against the poisons in vaccines and at the same time promoting vaccine queen Hillary. Whereas Shiva has the goal to abolish the 1962 vaccine program entirely because it's never been good whatsoever. And as a scientist and immune system expert he has the science to know it. So RFK Jr. has been a wolf in sheep's clothing. Doug ________________________________ William Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 6:32 AM To: ; Subject: Re: "Sow" not "sew." ha ha. Anyway, you're right about these tactics. You have to stay on your toes when deciding who is credible and who is not. ________________________________ don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 8:04 AM To: ; Subject: Re: These types of sites are meant to sew division in the "enemy" ranks (anti-vaxxers) If RFK said he was anti-vax it would diminish his case against MMR I had a tetanus shot in 2009, so I guess I'm not purely anti-vax either -- but don't know if I trust big pharma enough to get another one On 5/4/20 7:54 AM wrote:
That's just a filthy hit site on RFK Jr. A lot of people, like him, are pro-vaccine but against the MMR vaccine. Yes, he's a Dem, so he supported Hillary. If you like that site, you might like the Weekly World News :-) On 5/4/20 3:45 AM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed There was a time when I was fooled by RFK Jr. as he acted like he was fighting the crimes of the vaccine industry. But I have heard and seen lots of evidence that made me change my opinion. Maybe you didn't yet learn about his crimes and the fact he is part of the deep state. http://rfkexposed.com/ DNA consultant
--_000_BYAPR08MB4087BDCE93DFBE0C1CEF9D83DEA70BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} www.goproject180.com PROJECT 180Launch Your right to object to vaccinations is part of the vaccination law. Any school, daycare, or sports team that requires vaccines must also allow for an exception based upon violation of your religious beliefs. www.goproject180.com This website is a new place I just a second ago signed up for. Since Greg mentioned a tetanus shot, I looked there at a quick video about this. And it gave me this attached PDF which I didn't yet read. It is full of documents for each and every vaccine to inform the person about it. Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 2:45 PM To: William ; Subject: Re:
There is no reason to separate out those MMR vaccine injuries from all the others. They all belong in the same camp and are no different than kids dying from Vitamin K or whatever else acts cumulatively to injure them with the heavy metals of aluminum and mercury, etc. That's why I appreciate the approach of Dr. Shiva who wants to eliminate the entire vaccine industry and return vaccines to a personal choice. News today has Newsom advocating Remdesivir which costs about $1,000 a dose and is run by Fauci himself, rather than the Hydroxychloroquine / zinc treatment that the media has been falsely bashing as dangerous. They are not informing the public that a great percentage of the people in the trial are dying from it. You really need to see the Dr. Shiva analysis of this from yesterday. He lays out the science. don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 2:14 PM ; Subject: Re:
not to the parents of MMR victims (autistic children) On 5/4/20 4:07 PM: OK, then he's worthless. don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 1:49 PM To: William
Subject: Re:
As I said, he's not anti-vax and hasn't said he was. He's lobbying for safe vaccines. https://www.worldhealth.net/news/rfk-jr-wins-case-against-government-vaccine-safety-violations/ On 5/4/20 1:12 PM: He doesn't give that impression that he is narrowly focused on MMR. It's just the one he is complaining about. So people think YEA he's on our side against vaccines, but it's clearly not true. And so that's a form of disguise - appearing as a vaccine fighter when he is pro-vaccine. You can't really have it both ways - promoting them and fighting against this one particular thing, as if that's the only one that is terrible. don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 10:11 AM To: William
Subject: Re:
No, he has been an advocate against the MMR vaccine. Just because he's a Democrat doesn't make him a wolf in sheep's clothing. Almost all Democrats supported Hillary. Does that mean they were in favor of what she did in Libya? Trump is not anti-vax, either. On 5/4/20 11:25 AM: Don What point do you object to about the facts against JFK Jr. He has been acting like he is fighting against the poisons in vaccines and at the same time promoting vaccine queen Hillary. Whereas Shiva has the goal to abolish the 1962 vaccine program entirely because it's never been good whatsoever. And as a scientist and immune system expert he has the science to know it. So RFK Jr. has been a wolf in sheep's clothing. Doug William Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 6:32 AM
Subject: Re:
"Sow" not "sew." ha ha. Anyway, you're right about these tactics. You have to stay on your toes when deciding who is credible and who is not. don Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 8:04 AM To:
Subject: Re:
These types of sites are meant to sew division in the "enemy" ranks (anti-vaxxers)
If RFK said he was anti-vax it would diminish his case against MMR
I had a tetanus shot in 2009, so I guess I'm not purely anti-vax either -- but don't know if I trust big pharma enough to get another one
On 5/4/20 7:54 AM wrote:
That's just a filthy hit site on RFK Jr. A lot of people, like him, are pro-vaccine but against the MMR vaccine. Yes, he's a Dem, so he supported Hillary. If you like that site, you might like the Weekly World News :-)
On 5/4/20 3:45 AM: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed There was a time when I was fooled by RFK Jr. as he acted like he was fighting the crimes of the vaccine industry. But I have heard and seen lots of evidence that made me change my opinion. Maybe you didn't yet learn about his crimes and the fact he is part of the deep state. http://rfkexposed.com/
DNA consultant
Website: www.d.com
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