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Quite Possibly The Most Overblown Farce In History

by bill - 2020-05-03 04:00:00 ( in life, health, covid) [php version] rebuild

"The facts are: covid-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others -- mostly the elderly -- and does nothing to the vast majority. That's it.

The scientists leading the coronavirus shutdown charge predicted [that] in America between 100,000 and 250,000 would die. They based those estimates on computer modeling. But at the same time, they were acknowledging computer modeling is inaccurate and errs on the side of hype."

Read, listen or watch the rest here: coronavirus hype

Or, as someone recently noted: All it took for us to give up our civil liberties was a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

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"We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic (1) Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these 'cases' are in fact not 'cases' but rather they are normal healthy people."

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