![]() Plastic Girlby bill - 2017-04-25 08:51:32 ( in culture, people, women) [php version] rebuildIt was horrible! I was at Walmart again, but that's not the worst part. There was a teenage/early-20's girl with boobs out to here, wearing the most form-fitting outfit you ever saw. I tried to ignore her because she REALLY wanted to be looked at, and I always try to disappoint people like that. Even my 12-year-old daughter shook her head, saying "She's so plastic!" because of all of the make-up. Then I kept running into this girl and her mom (similarly dressed) as I went searching for cat food. I was studiously avoiding eye contact because I didn't want to feed her ego. Thirty years ago, sure, I might have asked her out. Wait, how old am I? Wow, time flies. Anyway, now that I have a beautiful young daughter of my own (already being checked out by creepy guys), I found this girl to be sad and pathetic. By the time they were near the cashiers, I was going the opposite direction. Another woman, dressed normally, attractive, Iranian maybe, was looking at the plastic girl then looking me in the eye. I could guess she was thinking (of me) "You're going to stare at that tramp, aren't you!? I just know it! Men are all pigs!" I just looked at her -- the attractive, decent one -- and smiled. And that was the end of it. Or so I thought. There was the plastic girl again at the self-checkout as my daughter and I were checking out. Everyone was staring at the girl, men and women. She was actually very attractive, but would've been even more so if she toned it down a notch or two ... or ten. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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