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Permanent Daylight Savings Time

by don - 2022-03-17 00:33:32 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

It's an idea whose time has come ... and gone. Nixon tried this and

parents objected to their kids standing in the dark every morning at the

bus stop.

one of the problems with growing old is that you see how stupid people

are now

I suspect Marco Rubio thinks we'll have more sunshine if we do this.

We need to just pick a time, and stick with it. No need for switching back and forth twice a year. Russia went to year-round daylight savings time several years ago. They call it Summer Time there, and joked, 'Now it is summer time year-round in Russia!'

Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:33 PM



It's an idea whose time has come ... and gone. Nixon tried this and

parents objected to their kids standing in the dark every morning at the

bus stop.

one of the problems with growing old is that you see how stupid people

are now

I suspect Marco Rubio thinks we'll have more sunshine if we do this.

similar posts here ... and elsewhere

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