![]() Occult Origins Of Americaby don - 2020-08-28 01:45:34 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildThere were at least a couple of different races that interbred with humans. One was the type depicted in Egyptian pictures, had elongated skulls which they covered up with a headdress. Another was the North American red-haired giants with 6 fingers; President Lincoln mentioned them in a speech. And there are even bigger skeletons in Peru. Recently, US soldiers saw a 12ft giant in Afghanistan, walking with a cow under its arm -- they live in the mountain caves. On 8/26/20 9:25 PM: I just didn't know what it said about that. Never learned it in catechism. ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 7:19 PM *Cc:* Re: Of course. Unless you believe spirits took human wives and had giant kids? On 8/26/20 6:51 PM: So you are saying the bible knew about aliens? ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 3:34 AM *Cc:*; Re: It's couched in biblical terms, so the interviewee calls them nephilim. Today we would call them hybrids. On 8/26/20 3:19 AM: I didn't listen yet, but I get the impression you don't think aliens are real. Maybe it's because of the set of beliefs imposed by your religion. Throw it out and start over, perhaps? Organized religion is full of half-truths and just enough truth to keep people coming back, but always ending up under control. The Pope is the perfect example. ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing Tuesday, August 25, 2020 7:12 PM
*Cc:*; ; Re: I skimmed through the first one. That was enough * To: *>, , , " " , Sent: *Tuesday, August 25, 2020 10:57:57 AM Subject: *Re: Download link https://we.tl/t-hQiJzkdjaF 3 items BellyBeast1.mp3 54.9 MB BellyBeast2.mp3 54.9 MB BellyBeast3.mp3 53.5 MB On 8/25/20 11:33 AM: Yea, I would like to hear it. There is an excellent video published last night that is quite fascinating and they mention some groups I never heard of which may be something you are talking about, too. A psychic lady is explaining what's been happening to her for years now. She's been attacked through dreams. https://youtu.be/EfZVDIp_oII ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 9:21 AM ; Very interesting interview. Wraps up the whole conspiracy/deep state subject. All goes back to the progeny of the Nephilim and Babylonian religion that survives among the elite. Filmmakers Wes and Justen Faull joined Richard Syrett ) to discuss the director's cut of their documentary, /Belly of the Beast/, which explores the hidden history and occult origins of the United States, and how America may be set to fulfill an ancient prophecy. The brothers spoke about the Babylon system " the first one-world order/religion comprised of practices involving many gods. "All the secret societies that we are aware of today... they are practitioners of ancient rituals and rites, and all of those religious rites go back to Babylon, Wes explained. These were religions passed down from the fallenels, he added. The ancient religions of the fallenels have continued over the centuries through secret societies, the two continued. Freemasons claim to have access to the original language and rites that date back to Babylon, Justen revealed. They detailed a veiled references to America in the writings of Plato which suggested the new nation would bring the world under one order. According to the Faulls, fallenels were put over the nations and Lucifer himself is over the United States. "This system [of constitution government] that was created here was not created by Christians," Justen explained, noting the Founding Fathers did not believe in the God of the Bible. I have mp3s if you tell me you want them before I erase them. Or buy the dvd: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/bobdc/396040107 similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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