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Not Enough Anti-Semitism?

by steve - 2024-06-17 04:01:34 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

I'll watch it later. Yeah, I'm a victim and feel sorry for me that the zionists keep using me to cause pity on me. Criticism of fake Christians who sold out to zionism: it's disgusting how you IGNORE the truth about Israel 1 - the jewish noahide sublaw 16 says that if you say "Jesus is the messiah", that'd IDOLATRY and you ought to be beheaded. 2 -96% of israelis are ashkenazis, descended from Ashkenaz, descended from Japheth and REAL SEMITES descend from Shem so that 96% are NOT SEMITES and the way they fraudulently occupy Palestine, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 call them the "Synagogue of Satan" 3 - the "antisemitism awareness act" is ANTI-CHRISTIAN in how it's antisemitic to criticize israel, judaism, zionism, or semitism but is it "anti-hispanic" to criticize Mexico, Catholicism, any mexican political group, or Hispanic? Of course you won't reply because you are OWNED by the demonic Rothschild Zionists

On Sunday, June 16, 2024 at 12:27:53 PM

PDT, someone wrote: The Anti Defamation League (ADF) has a solution for that. At about the 10 minute mark see how they staged a Nazi parade because there just wasn't enough hate to match their agenda. .

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