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New Brazil Vaccine Law

by don - 2023-02-26 02:36:56 ( in education, research, emails, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 years

Guess this is why they felt they had to rig the election.

Read the rest here

from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be forced to do the Russia Roulette so I guess that's how commies eliminate the "lesser" folks since they don't have gas chambers to do it. On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:45:10 PM PST:

Good article

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:23 PM

a related article:

Read about it here

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 03:30:03 PM PST:

On 24/02/2023 19:45:

"I heard that the criminals in government are now withholding welfare checks if they don't take the lethal shot."

Lula has said that he will do that. Depends upon what he is ordered to do. Getting government workers to suddenly do something different is a lot harder than a politico raving on. He also cannot go out in the street without people chanting for him to go back to jail. That happens in the parliament also.The majority of parliament has pending criminal cases against them. Lula, and his entire cabinet has to commit more crimes to keep out of jail for things they already did.

Mother Nature is doing a good job ending people's lives these days.On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:27 AM someone wrote:

since they'll also imprison anybody that says fake news about the vax and

since gates admitted that it didn't work, imprison gates down there!

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:13:33 AM PST,

someone wrote:

Wow, anything to kill more people.

On 24/02/2023 15:00 someone wrote:

refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 years

That was announced in Ireland on the sars 1 of 2002. Didn't work.

If every social media company including Twitter were not committing

extreme censorship about Brazil, obeying all illegal dictates of

Alexandre de Morais the new dictator, all this craziness would not work.

Labeling all that support this Zombiecine for children as committing

infanticide or ritual child sacrifice, they would have to stop. If US

kills their children like in Australia, Brazil will copy. Anvisa doesn't

safety check anything, they rubber stamp any rubbish put out by the CDC.

Governments should get out of the "health" business.

Guess this is  why they felt they had to rig the election.

The Armed Forces would not pass on the presidential sash on to Lula, as

they were not given access to the source code of the voting machines. 70

million votes had no all had the same identifier, some computer that is

not a voting machine. The Air force flew out Bolsonaro in the

presidential airplane. Some version of the presidential sash was passed

on to Lula by people he met in jail.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

On 24/02/2023 15:00 someone wrote:

refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 years

That was announced in Ireland on the sars 1 of 2002. Didn't work.

If every social media company including Twitter were not committing

extreme censorship about Brazil, obeying all illegal dictates of

Alexandre de Morais the new dictator, all this craziness would not work.

Labeling all that support this Zombiecine for children as committing

infanticide or ritual child sacrifice, they would have to stop. If US

kills their children like in Australia, Brazil will copy. Anvisa doesn't

safety check anything, they rubber stamp any rubbish put out by the CDC.

Governments should get out of the "health" business.

Guess this is  why they felt they had to rig the election.

The Armed Forces would not pass on the presidential sash on to Lula, as

they were not given access to the source code of the voting machines. 70

million votes had no all had the same identifier, some computer that is

not a voting machine. The Air force flew out Bolsonaro in the

presidential airplane. Some version of the presidential sash was passed

on to Lula by people he met in jail.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be forced to do the Russia Roulette so I guess that's how commies eliminate the "lesser" folks since they don't have gas chambers to do it.

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:45:10 PM PST:

Good article=

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:23 PM


Subject: Re: new Brazil vaccine law= a related article:

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 03:30:03 PM PST, Rowland someone wrote:

On 24/02/2023 19:45:

I heard that the criminals in government are now withholding welfare checks if they don't take the lethal shot.

Lula has said that he will do that. Depends upon what he is ordered to do. Getting government workers to suddenly do something different is a lot harder than a politico raving on. He also cannot go out in the street without people chanting for him to go back to jail. That happens in the parliament also.

The majority of parliament has pending criminal cases against them. Lula, and his entire cabinet has to commit more crimes to keep out of jail for things they already did.

from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be forced to do the Russia Roulette so I guess that's how commies eliminate the "lesser" folks since they don't have gas chambers to do it.

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:45:10 PM PST:

Good article=

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:23 PM Rowland

Subject: Re: new Brazil vaccine law= a related article:

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 03:30:03 PM PST, Rowland someone wrote:

On 24/02/2023 19:45:

I heard that the criminals in government are now withholding welfare checks if they don't take the lethal shot.

Lula has said that he will do that. Depends upon what he is ordered to do. Getting government workers to suddenly do something different is a lot harder than a politico raving on. He also cannot go out in the street without people chanting for him to go back to jail. That happens in the parliament also.

The majority of parliament has pending criminal cases against them. Lula, and his entire cabinet has to commit more crimes to keep out of jail for things they already did.

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