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My English Premier League Team

by bill - 2017-01-14 05:00:00 ( in culture, sports, soccer) [php version] rebuild

Trying to decide which English Premier League team I should consider "my team." Very important. Leaning toward either Liverpool FC (because I always liked the Beatles) or Plymouth Argyle Football Club (because my first car was a Plymouth, and I always liked the idea of Argyle socks but was never brave enough to wear them). Anyway, these two are playing right now on FS1 as I type this.

Going out for coffee (in the icy weather). I hope to have made my decision by the time I return. Wish me luck!

UPDATE: Turns out, Plymouth Argyle never were a Premier League team, just a British team in one of the lower-level leagues. I don't know what they were even doing playing each other. [League Cup?] Anyway, I chose Liverpool, and now (2019) they'll be in their second consecutive UEFA Champions League final.

UPDATE: Even though Liverpool is doing great this season (2019-20) again, I just can't get behind them for some reason. So, I have decided to choose the Wolverhampton Wanderers (Wolves) as my team. For one, my daughter loves wolves. Secondly, the coach and several players are Portuguese, and I am half Portuguese. So, Wolves, it is.

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