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More Proof That It's Never Been About Protecting Anyone's Health

by bill - 2022-01-07 05:39:56 ( in life, health, covid) [php version] rebuild

If it was about protecting our health, if there was an actual "pandemic", these hospitals would not let ANY "covid-positive" employees through the door, vaccinated or not. Luckily for those "covid-positive" employees, their results were most likely a false positive, or they simply had the sniffles.

From an email sent to me, here's your litmus test proof that it's never been about protecting anyone's health. Subject: covid positive employees OK, unvaccinated, no; anonymous:

"It's such a shame when politics slams up against reality. See Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the covid-positive to work. We should let the Democrats run the space program :-)"

UPDATE: And now this: firing unvaccinated workers

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"We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic (1) Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these 'cases' are in fact not 'cases' but rather they are normal healthy people."

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