More Proof Of The Fake Moon Landing Story

by doug - 2024-03-14 16:26:48 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

NASA would lose all credibility if they admitted the scam. The CIA are just gangsters and will enthusiastically kill to protect the fake story. Notice we still don't have all the JFK assassination documents after all these years? It would be another major hit to their credibility and maybe people would finally start to see that the entire government is illegitimate. On 2024-03-14 14:53, someone wrote: I "prove" it was fake by having people look at the lunar lander pictures. They would have needed "retrorockets" to prevent a "hard landing". those retrorockets would have blown away some sand below the lander. I've looked at lander pictures from many on the Internet and NONE have any sand blown away from under the lander. Can I donate to a "gofundme" to contribute to it being revealed? There's lots of other "conspiracies" that ought to be Exposed, too!

On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 12:47:08 PM PDT, wrote: Some of this is new to me. He claims China is blackmailing the US for space technology or they will reveal this fraud. And he has a deathbed confession to back it up. More CIA murders, of course. But one single picture he shows is enough to prove in court that the entire thing is fake.

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