![]() More False Covid Reportingby don - 2021-03-28 11:35:35 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildEUROPEAN VACCINE INJURIES DEC 2020 TO MARCH 2021 TOTAL EUROPEAN DEATHS AND INJURIES TO March 13, 2021 VIA 3 covid VACCINES 3,964 deaths 162,610 injuries link https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/3964-...d-19-vaccines/ This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the three covid-19 shots we are including here, and here is the summary data through March 13, 2021. Total reactions for the experimental mRNA BioNTech/ Pfizer: vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty) 2,540 deaths 102,100 injuries to 13/03/2021 7,604 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 15 deaths 4,636 Cardiac disorders incl. 276 deaths 22 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 2 deaths 2,683 Ear and labyrinth disorders 52 Endocrine disorders 2,941 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths 23,074 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 125 deaths 72,072 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 957 deaths 102 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 12 deaths 1,928 Immune system disorders incl. 11 deaths 6,020 Infections and infestations incl. 275 deaths 2,198 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 32 deaths 4,565 Investigations incl. 111 deaths 1,567 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 49 deaths 37,365 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 22 deaths 55 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths 44,993 Nervous system disorders incl. 185 deaths 81 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 2 deaths 57 Product issues 3,742 Psychiatric disorders incl. 28 deaths 525 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 37 deaths 545 Reproductive system and breast disorders 8,788 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 294 deaths 10,808 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 18 deaths 229 Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths 69 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths 4,820 Vascular disorders incl. 74 deaths Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 973 deaths 5,939 injuries to 13/03/2021 330 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 9 deaths 501 Cardiac disorders incl. 96 deaths 1 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 116 Ear and labyrinth disorders 6 Endocrine disorders 181 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths 1,283 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 40 deaths 4,198 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 393 deaths 21 Hepatobiliary disorders 219 Immune system disorders incl. 1 death 515 Infections and infestations incl. 57 deaths 236 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 16 deaths 411 Investigations incl. 36 deaths 165 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 18 deaths 1,727 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 23 deaths 12 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths 2,324 Nervous system disorders incl. 111 deaths 15 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 4 Product issues 271 Psychiatric disorders incl. 14 deaths 93 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 10 deaths 34 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 1 death 817 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 93 deaths 740 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 11 deaths 48 Social circumstances incl. 3 deaths 40 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths 368 Vascular disorders incl. 32 deaths Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 451 deaths 54,571 injuries to 13/03/2021 . 1,180 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 11 deaths 2,080 Cardiac disorders incl. 63 deaths 17 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 1,237 Ear and labyrinth disorders 41 Endocrine disorders 1,977 Eye disorders incl. 1 death 17,491 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 15 deaths 42,367 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 198 deaths 32 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 1 death 578 Immune system disorders 3,340 Infections and infestations incl. 46 deaths 853 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 2 deaths 2,384 Investigations incl. 3 deaths 2,676 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 5 deaths 22,858 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 4 deaths 19 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 2 deaths 32,490 Nervous system disorders incl. 41 deaths 22 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 11 Product issues 3,105 Psychiatric disorders incl. 3 deaths 560 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 4 deaths 266 Reproductive system and breast disorders 4,293 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 33 deaths 6,815 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 2 deaths 99 Social circumstances incl. 2 deaths 138 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths 1,656 Vascular disorders incl. 11 deaths There is also data for a fourth experimental covid "vaccine," covid-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). We have not included data from the Johnson & Johnson covid shot in this report, but will do so in future reports along with other vaccines that gain European emergency approval. The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental covid-19 "vaccines." Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database: This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects . These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines. On 3/27/21 7:30 AM someone wrote:
they're dropping like flies On 3/27/21 3:52 AM: Yea, this one is so obviously NOT from the suicide vax. How can anyone claim otherwise?!!
Friday, March 26, 2021 4:18 PM Re: another coincidence: 37-year old fatal stroke 1 hour after covid vax https://www.bitchute.com/video/YzhVhYyLMez3/ On 3/26/21 5:08 PM: "100% immunity with just the first shot! Win!" Yup, bullseye -- can't possibly get any more effective than that.
Friday, March 26, 2021 2:58 PM Re: 100% immunity with just the first shot! Win! On 3/26/21 4:47 PM: *Latest suicide by vax* https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/kansas-city-council-woman-dead-hours-after-receiving-experimental-covid-injection/ Kansas City Council Woman DEAD Hours After Receiving Experimental covid Injection by The covid Blog. TOPEKA — "Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences."That is a meme going around on Twitter. One family is circumventing the inevitable propaganda by stating the facts on their loved one's obituary. healthimpactnews.com Wednesday, March 24, 2021 4:12 AM RE: Great article! I posted it to http://friendsnews.com/pages/a-warning-to-students-about-being-pressured-into-taking-the-experimental-covid-shot/ "" Yes, a mask /might/ help if it's an N-95 /and/ you are actively sneezing, coughing /and/ infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask , or this , this , this or this for more on the subject. "Indeed... it is not famine... not /microbes/... not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics..." – Carl Jung "Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." – Laurence J. Peter * Sent: *Tuesday, March 23, 2021 11:54 PM To: * Subject: *Re: I just posted this because I know a college student who may choose the suicide vax if they "demand" it for next year. *As students plan for next year, one thing they must decide -- LIFE OR DEATH -- and I am not exaggerating.* I personally know some students who could face the choice to get the suicide vax in order to attend school. No, it's never mandatory, but we all see the direction the world is pushing things. They try to force it. Israel is not mandatory, either, but just try to object and the *CITIZENS* are going to go after you like rabid animals. I personally know someone saying in November that says she will require anyone who wants to stay at her Air BNB to have already taken the poison jab. I mentioned she is shooting herself in the foot because many will refuse to stay there. If you are not fully aware of the situation yet, you should know *THERE IS NO APPROVAL BY THE FDA FOR ANY covid VAX*. The only thing is the Emergency Use Authorization which is like a "right to try" that is often something that people on their death bed may want because they are surely going to die and if some new drug is available on a right to try basis which could save their life, what is there to lose? You should also know *NOBODY CAN FORCE YOU TO TAKE ANY VACCINE*. But there are employers who illegally are trying to do it. You have to know how to stand your ground. You must know your rights and you can take legal action against them. They have to back off. *VACCINE MAKERS HAVE NO LIABILITY* for their poisons. So they have no incentive to make a safe product. Fauci and everyone who says different are flat out lying to the public. They have protection from something called the PREP Act which went into effect during the emergency of covid. And all these companies have been found guilty many times in court for lying, fake science, fraud, and killing people. No joking. They have paid ions, but they are so rich they can handle it as the cost of doing business. *The poison / suicide covid vax is not even really a vaccine to begin with*. It's "gene therapy" but they call it a vax to get that blanket liability protection. Without that we could sue their ass for ions. Students of every age, or their parents, must choose between life and death. Of course, if they are not aware it is that serious, they may choose death and take the vax. But as sure as day that is a death sentence, but it could be slow and might be painful, if not quick. Don't just believe me. There are now thousands of deaths recorded in the CDC's own VAERS database which anyone can see online. The UK has their own similar database. Most of all, the media and governments are all desperately trying to keep all these serious reactions quiet. Why? It's because they are in the middle of their global depopulation agenda. All this is fact and all provable, but many refuse to see what is hitting them in the face. They are completely brainwashed by the media and can't conceive their own governments don't have their best interests in mind. There is a lot of evil in the world and it's out in the full light of day now -- out of the shadows. The only question is can you see it? The famous Dr. Judy Mikovits predicted last summer, maybe about June, that there would be 50 million deaths from the poison vax and that is just the USA alone. Dr. Tenpenny thought that was high, but now thinks it is going to be even more. People investigate the quality of a car more thoroughly than injections in their own body. But a mistake in accepting an injection can kill you right away (within minutes), hours, days, months, or maybe even drag out over a year. The many thousands of deaths and injuries found in VAERS will crush any thoughts the poison jab is safe. And did you know these companies are still conducting trials? They won't be done until 3 years, so they are *EXPERIMENTAL* and anyone who gets jabbed is put into their tracking database and into their trial. Are you no better than an experimental lab rat? I hope you are. Now that you should know it's a choice between life or death, if your job is trying to make you take it or a school, you can sue your employer, quit your job and find an honest employer, postpone your college, pull your child out of school and do just home school, etc. Nothing but your own pure ignorance would actually force you to play Russian Roulette with your life. So get out of that situation. Walk away, or even run. Don't become another death stat by the globalists trying to cull the population in order to have our beautiful Earth as their private playground. There are now countless videos discussing all the things I have mentioned above. Educate yourself if you have any doubts. Don't believe me. It's all out there for you to read. If you don't do it I guess you are too lazy to be alive.
Friday, March 19, 2021 6:25 PM Re: They probably went into the graveyard and marked all the voters as having died of covid too :-) On 3/19/21 7:17 PM:
"One glaring case the coroner found during his review was a man who died from an accidental drug overdose. The man died in January from the overdose but tested positive three months prior in October for covid-19. His death was recorded as a covid-19 death, according to Hill." Coroner Calls for Audit As People Who Recovered 9 Months Ago Counted as covid Deaths (naturalblaze.com) similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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