![]() Moderna MRNA (non-vaccine) Trialsby don - 2021-03-01 02:45:24 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild
China. Supposedly Novovax is going to be traditional (not novo) when it comes out, but we'll have to see. Also, found this: "My daughter works in hospice, she used to love her job, lately she says it's been so distressing. She wanted me to get the word out, she's witnessing people of all ages being put on hospice and dying/died after the second dose of the covid vaccine. She saw one lady's tumor grow very large popping out of her skin, after the first dose. The second dose killed her. Daily she is seeing this, spoke to the head RN who also agreed, this is unlike anything they've seen before. PS, they have never witnesses an actual "covid 19" death from the virus." On 2/26/21 2:57 PMory someone wrote: Funny but sad. On 2/26/2021 12:47 PM: Good one! Here's something else that makes it clear how unthinking most people are these days: https://twitter.com/philthese/status/1365031816277622785 * Sent: *Friday, February 26, 2021 10:34 AM ; '' '' '' '' '' '' *Re: this says it: similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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