![]() Masks Do Not Workby don - 2020-06-28 00:16:26 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildSince they're only given 1-way tickets into the US, it sounds like a human smuggling operation under cover of the pandemic. The Dems are trying to get as many illegals voting for them as possible. In the House they passed a to make DC the 51st state, for the same reason, votes. On 6/26/20 6:30 PM: Now look at this crap I just posted: For the idiots who willingly wear a mask, you have been programmed to accept this type of announcement when it arrives as this one in Texas today. When that happens, take the time to verify it by going to the places supposedly full of covid patients. Verify it in person and shout like hell when you discover it's another fake disaster. You probably didn't bother to learn how Gov Newsom has been telling Mexicans they can get free treatment and they are lining up where a helicopter takes them to various places from Santa Barbara county to Riverside, etc. and it's a one-way ticket. The cost is estimated to be 50-100K per person of tax payer money for this. The purpose is obviously to create a new wave appearance that we're all going to die and justify the masks you are so mindlessly wearing. See my other link from yesterday if you want to learn the details. Friday, June 26, 2020 3:44 PM don ory ; Re: I feel the same as , exactly. By the way's mention of his website lead me to his interview of Mikovits and then to his new platform which seems to be a good resource. https://www.brighteon.com/ba245530-cb9b-467f-83c2-34fa5da54da0 =09 Dr Judy Mikovits Plandemic partie 1 -- Sous-titrage : Philippe Cardin sur FB www.brighteon.com I tried to share this link on Facebook and it wouldn't let me. So I added _ at certain places and told people to remove them. Friday, June 26, 2020 3:03 PM ; Re: My attitude is simple:=A0 Wear a mask if you're worried, but leave the rest of us alone to breathe in peace.=A0 And anyone who fell for this "pandemic" probably also fell for 9/11, Obama's "hope," and the Kennedy assassination official explanation. Friday, June 26, 2020 4:45 PM *Cc:* Re: Natural News has always been supportive of the covid agenda. On 6/26/20 3:52 PM: If HCQ has been banned, what's the other simple treatment? Also, check this out: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-06-26-naturalnews-remains-only-pro-mask-news-publisher.html On 6/26/2020 12:38 PM: It will doesn't change the fact it's a simple treatment. You driving your car is more dangerous than dying from it. Friday, June 26, 2020 12:00 PM *Cc:* Re: That's just it -- many covid-19 spreaders are asymptomatic and don't know they have it. Also, it's not just a cold for many people, as I'm sure you know, or should know. On 6/25/2020 11:08 PM: Using your logic, when you know you are not sick, you can skip wearing a mask. Besides the fact 99.4% people survive the cold they are calling covid19. it would be better to get it on purpose so as to protect others than keep fooling around with masks, because that 2.6% who have died are also including those NY and other inflated numbers, which includes the fact NY's Cuomo made HCQ illegal so as to get those deaths higher. Knowing those who used HCQ with zinc had almost in every case 100% success rate, the actual numbers of death since March when Trump suggested it could have been nearly zero. Thursday, June 25, 2020 10:53 PM *Cc:* Re: Please see my response to . On 6/25/2020 10:50 PM, someone wrote: just read me an article about masks. N95 masks have to be fitted or everything will go around the edges. Other masks don't really protect you because they can't be fitted. *> To: *>, >, " h"> *Cc: *> Sent: *Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:27:42 PM Subject: *Re: That's the same argument I see on my Facebook page who want to wear a mask. If you still are not certain that masks don't help: https://youtu.be/C1ODBTdNiG0 =09 ANTI-MASKERS: RIGHT OR SELFISH? ANTI-MASKERS: RIGHT OR SELFISH? As Americans turn against each other over mask mandates, many scientists are speaking out, including former professor of phys... And as for that argument, what about this: If your mask protects you, why should you feel threatened when someone isn't wearing a mask? And it is the same for vaccines. If someone feels threatened that ie isn't vaccinated and he runs across a fully vaccinated person of any age, what danger is he to that person if that vaccination works? Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:09 PM don>; *Cc:* Re: I heard a lady on TV say "you don't have a right to trample on my constitutional rights by telling me I have to wear a mask". I would tell her "you don't have a right to contaminate me because you won't wear a mask!" On 6/25/2020 6:12 PM: Having a vaccine already would shatter the lie about the virus coming from China and they didn't know about it. As for "cases" take a look what Newscum has been doing this past month: https://youtu.be/q2CtjwfFC6s =09 BREAKING NEWS -- covid in Riverside County https://www.ourwatchnow.com/donate Thursday, June 25, 2020 6:06 PM *Cc:* Re: If they already had a vaccine they would use it while the hysteria is sufficient to support making it mandatory. Also, I half-expect another lockdown in a few months in CA. They have shifted from flattening the curve to stopping the spread. From that they will shift to eradicating the virus. Why not? It worked for the common cold :-) On 6/25/20 6:54 PM: What if they already had a vaccine and what they are calling trials is just for show? Thursday, June 25, 2020 5:22 AM *Cc:* Re: As the country re-opens, the govt's biggest fear is that we will achieve herd immunity before a vaccine is developed. That is why they are closing things down again, to avoid that happening. And that is why the hysteria has gone from covid deaths to covid cases. Cases are not much of a concern, unless you need to keep herd immunity from happening. I believe that the escape of the virus from Wuhan Lab was accidental, otherwise they wouldn't have released it before they had a vaccine. Now they have to keep the fear factor high. That's why the computer models predicting massive more deaths. On 6/22/20 8:57 PM: I am paying for ie and they don't give me a discount. But coaching doesn't cost me anything. The refund would be for I think $125 or whatever I paid for ie. For soccer, they give me half off ie's fee as his coach. Monday, June 22, 2020 4:42 PM *Cc:* Re: I didn't know you had to pay to be a little league coach. On 6/22/20 6:29 PM: We refuse masks and there are places to buy food that allow you to shop without one. Sometimes they have to be told you can't wear one for health reasons. If when the Little League season returns and they tell me kids and I, the coach have to wear one. I will make a very loud exit and get a refund for the season. Monday, June 22, 2020 3:27 PM *Cc:* Re: if yo wear them when not forced to (grocery stores require one to be worn so I have to comply with that), it means submitting, bending over and .. * To: *" h" , " " *Cc: * , Sent: *Monday, June 22, 2020 1:50:46 PM Subject: *Re: It's called "virtue signalling." By wearing a mask you signal that you believe and believe in big government. On 6/22/20 12:36 AM, someone wrote: those masks will block the virus as well as a chain link fence blocks mosquitoes , , " " , Sent: *Sunday, June 21, 2020 8:38:36 PM Subject: *Re: Obama's back , you may want to look at this: https://youtu.be/Gda9o4FTXrE Sunday, June 21, 2020 7:04 PM Re: Obama's back The purpose of masks is not to build herd immunity. Too many people would die before we had herd immunity. The people in countries where there is a much lower infection rate have been much more diligent in wearing masks and social distancing. On 6/21/2020 3:24 PM someone wrote: Wearing masks will prolong it -- herd immunity will take forever On 6/21/20 5:05 PM: I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of this pandemic! Not wearing masks will just prolong it. On 6/21/2020 1:52 PM someone wrote: They don't enforce it here. They have signs up that say you're supposed to wear one, but only about half the people do. are more of a Democratic virtue signaling for most people who wear them. Of course, there are some old people who are probably afraid of covid, but the young people who wear them are just showing their support for the establishment as embodied by the Democratic party. Out goes the bad air, in goes the bad air... On 6/21/20 3:29 PM wrote: Just shows even in a red state there can be crap from government. I really, really don't want to move, but we are checking into where we might if things get worse. The enforcement of wearing a mask at our closest store has outraged us. Even though the sheriff of Sac county says he won't enforce it, but rather educate, the stores are deciding if they will enforce it and the owner said Jana is not welcome in his store anymore. We'll be doing things to protest and make him pay for it. Not sure what yet, but bad reviews, maybe protesting outside, etc. We're thinking of something more rural where it seems people are more likely to think more clearly. The stores like Costco seem to universally enforce it. don Sunday, June 21, 2020 2:47 AM ; ; Obama's back Our Democrat activist mayor has announced he's going to comply with President Obama's use of force policy. https://www.obama.org/mayor-pledge/ Apparently the Dems have decided to pretend Obama is still the president, in an effort to elect Biden. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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