![]() Manipulating Weatherby don - 2020-08-28 02:07:01 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildAnd I've sat in my backyard and watched the same jet fly out to the horizon, turn around, and come back, all day long, laying parallel lines across the whole sky. Just because they know when to do it doesn't mean they aren't doing it. On 8/26/20 9:50 PM: over 4 years I took thousands of pictures of sky trails. I thought that many were chemtrails. every time there were long-lasting trails it was because the humidity was high, confirming what I said. Yes, they DID widen from the wind and join up to cover the sky. On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 7:37:24 PM wrote:
And yet you don't actually say why they aren't chemtrails! Chemtrails are a daily occurrence here. When trails are written in patterns and then they join and form clouds, sometimes even causing slight drizzle, those are chemtrails. Contrails disperse fairly quickly and do not join up and create a cloud clover. On 8/26/20 9:26 PM: those aren't chemtrails. when a plane is above 22,000 feet, the trail freezes. when the sky is more humid, the trails last longer same as when the air is dry as in summer, the trails evaporate faster and thus don't last as long. the only way to determine if a trail is a chemtrail is to be flying behind it and see there are ports releasing the gas or do a test of water that you get on the ground On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 7:14:46 PM wrote:
Took this chemtrail picture in January. It suggests a pentagram. Ill omen for 2020? On 8/26/20 6:50 PM: You may already know about this, but it's totally new to me. https://weathermodificationhistory.com/ Weather Modification History · The most comprehensive Weather Modification and Geoengineering Timeline Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature. This PowerPoint presentation may be freely downloaded, distributed, and is intended to raise public awareness of a critical issue facing every organism on our planet: Geoengineering and Weather Modification. This presentation will shatter every conspiracy theory and educate you on the long history of hacking hurricanes, altering ... weathermodificationhistory.com https://youtu.be/KUdIHJwst6E Are Space Weapons Used to Start California Fires PLEASE SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below and be sure to tap the "Bell Notification" similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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