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Literally Gas Light

by doug - 2023-01-11 12:08:34 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild



Here's the next scam.


It involves government pretending to care about our health. They are claiming it's bad for our health. Wow! Thanks Big Brother!

Nevermind all the mind-altering pharma toxic pills or all the chemicals in our food. Those are too toxic to be sold in Europe and many countries, but it's really great for Americans, of course.

So they'll ban gas with the additional lie that it's part of the cause of climate change (hoax). That leaves everyone with just electric cooking and heating. This ban will put far more strain on the electric grid so we can expect more blackouts.

Adding this to the push for a ban on gas vehicles in favor of electric, we'll see even more strain on our electric grid. But no worries because we can build lots more solar by raping the earth and paying the children for their slave labor. And if they pass out candles on rainy days, plus at night when there's no solar generation, we can all huddle together to keep warm.

Such an awesome plan, if you are a psychopath.



Here's the next scam. 


It involves government pretending to care about our health. They are claiming it's bad for our health. Wow! Thanks Big Brother!

Nevermind all the mind-altering pharma toxic pills or all the chemicals in our food. Those are too toxic to be sold in Europe and many countries, but it's really great for Americans, of course.

So they'll ban gas with the additional lie that it's part of the cause of climate change (hoax). That leaves everyone with just electric cooking and heating. This ban will put far more strain on the electric grid so we can expect more blackouts.

Adding this to the push for a ban on gas vehicles in favor of electric, we'll see even more strain on our electric grid. But no worries because we can build lots more solar by raping the earth and paying the children for their slave labor. And if they pass

out candles on rainy days, plus at night when there's no solar generation, we can all huddle together to keep warm.

Such an awesome plan, if you are a psychopath.



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