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Latest Secret Space Program Tall Tale Teller

by steve - 2022-09-12 04:28:06 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild


It's moving along:

'Put on that mask,' a womanshouted at a boy who was riding his bike.

'Why?' the kid stopped his bikeand asked.

'Didn't your parents tell you thatthere's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybodyelse from it?'

The boy thought. 'Can I give thevirus if I don't have it?'

That startled the woman and sheshook her head. 'Maybe you're asymptomatic.'

'What is asymptomatic?'

'It means you don't know you'resick.'

The boy gave some more thought. 'Ican be sick and not know it?'


'So, if I gave my sickness tosomebody else, would they know it?'


'Then if nobody knew they weresick and everybody had it, would it matter?'

The woman shook her head. She wasaghast that the boy would ask such questions. She finally told him, 'Put yourmask on or I'll call the police.'

'Call the police? AM

I breaking alaw?'

'No, the President declared thatit is an emergency and everybody needs to wear a mask.'

'Yeah, my Dad said something aboutthat. I don't pay attention to adult things but he told how some politician wassupposed to wear a mask but she went into a beauty parlor without one. Did thepolice arrest her?'

'Uh, no.'

'Why not?'

She was annoyed again. 'I don'tknow.'

'So, I guess the police decidedthat it wasn't too important?'

'No, it is important.People are dying.'

'So the politician doesn't care ifshe kills other people?'

'Just put the mask on,' the womansternly said and walked away.

The boy shook his head and wentback to riding his bike.

**** things to putin story as the insanity got worse (to be put in order)

Masks required at school

Vaccines required at school

People told to stay six feet apartand how many were allowed in a store was restricted

Some people told that if they didn'tget vaxed, they'd lose their job

People who were vaxed started to haveadverse reactions to it

Some people were afraid of othersfor fear that the virus was airborne and everybody was in danger of giving itto one another

Plastic face shields said to be okay, in lieu of a mask

On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 05:25:37 PM PDT:

Good one

Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 7:01 PM Re:

I just started the story:= The Minority that Saved the World = = = 'Put on that mask,' a woman shouted at a kid.

'Why?' the kid asked.

'Didn't your parents tell you that there's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybody else from it?'

The boy thought. 'Can I give the virus if I don't have it?'

That startled the woman and she shook her head. 'Maybe you're asymptomatic.'

'What is asymptomatic?'

'It means you don't know you're sick.'

The boy gave some more thought. 'I can be sick and not know it?'


'So, if I gave my sickness to somebody else, would they know it?'


'Then if nobody knew they were sick and everybody had it, would it matter?'

The woman shook her head. She was aghast that the boy would ask such questions.

On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 04:46:47 PM PDT:

the whole current fraudulent situation of at least the last few years gave me an idea for a book, "How the Minority saved the World".

No, not minorities as the leftists think of them. The "minority" would be the minority that didn't fall for the scam and were frequently labeled "conspiracy theorists".

So even liberals might understand it, it'd be a Children's book and not be real long.

I'll have to give it more thought

On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 03:10:52 PM PDT:

Yea, I've watched a couple things from Goode.

Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 2:02 PM ; Re:


he takes various ideas from around the internet

I could only listen to half of it. Lying is a form of emotional vampirism, and I just ran out of steam listening. Don't listen unless you're a fan of Corey Goode or Randy Kramer, other supposed "super soldiers" who've been to Mars in the secret space program.

On 9/10/22 15:42:

I don't see a link

Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 1:26 PM ;

Solomon Berg

I don't know where Kerry gets these people, but this is one of the= kookier. --=1987383_462828713.1662856086056

It's moving along:

'Put on that mask,' a woman

shouted at a boy who was riding his bike.

'Why?' the kid stopped his bike

and asked.

'Didn't your parents tell you that

there's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybody

else from it?'

The boy thought. 'Can I give the

virus if I don't have it?'

That startled the woman and she

shook her head. 'Maybe you're asymptomatic.'

'What is asymptomatic?'

'It means you don't know you're


The boy gave some more thought. 'I

can be sick and not know it?'


'So, if I gave my sickness to

somebody else, would they know it?'


'Then if nobody knew they were

sick and everybody had it, would it matter?'

The woman shook her head. She was

aghast that the boy would ask such questions. She finally told him, 'Put your

mask on or I'll call the police.'

'Call the police? AM

I breaking a


'No, the President declared that

it is an emergency and everybody needs to wear a mask.'

'Yeah, my Dad said something about

that. I don't pay attention to adult things but he told how some politician was

supposed to wear a mask but she went into a beauty parlor without one. Did the

police arrest her?'

'Uh, no.'

'Why not?'

She was annoyed again. 'I don't


'So, I guess the police decided

that it wasn't too important?'

'No, it is important.

People are dying.'

'So the politician doesn't care if

she kills other people?'

'Just put the mask on,' the woman

sternly said and walked away.

The boy shook his head and went

back to riding his bike.


**** things to put

in story as the insanity got worse (to be put in order)

Masks required at school

Vaccines required at school

People told to stay six feet apart

and how many were allowed in a store was restricted

Some people told that if they didn't

get vaxed, they'd lose their job

People who were vaxed started to have

adverse reactions to it

Some people were afraid of others

for fear that the virus was airborne and everybody was in danger of giving it

to one another

Plastic face shields said to be okay, in lieu of a mask

On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 05:25:37 PM PDT:

Good one

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