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Kentucky Derby 2021

by admin - 2021-05-06 07:20:47 ( in culture, sports, horse-racing, triplecrown) [php version] rebuild

Well, the First Saturday in May has come and gone, and all I can say is I am glad I could not get the online betting to work. I would have lost it all. I never let myself get out of control, but did have a $100 allowance.

Online gambling has never been legal in Tennessee until late last year (October, 2020?), so I thought I might do a little wagering. But, no. The internet gods had other plans.

Anyway, an unknown little horse by the name of Medina Spirit won the race... barely holding off the late charge of Mandaloun, Hot Rod Charlie and the favorite, Essential Quality, at the wire. Great finish!

Medina Spirit's trainer, however, is not unknown. It was none other than Bob Baffert, who is now the all-time champ of Kentucky Derby wins with 7, surpassing the late great Ben Jones from a couple of generations ago.Click here for a real article on the subject.

UPDATE: HOLD ALL TICKETS! Apparently, Medina Spirit failed the after-race drug test. Baffert has been suspended by Churchill Downs and the horse might be removed as winner, with everyone else moving up one place. Mandaloun would be declared the winner. I hope for Mandaloun's sake his owner was already planning on running in The Preakness, the next leg of the Triple Crown.

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