Kamala Knows, Right?

by doug - 2023-09-15 00:43:41 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

I can't hear it, just video.

But be careful because about 1-2 years ago there was some talk by this stupid bitch in which someone clipped out a word changing the meaning to the opposite.

Like "it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated" and they clipped out "un". Maybe that's the same clip still making the rounds.

Anyway, if people still haven't figured out that the vaxed are the people who repeatedly get sick and call it "covid" while the smart people who never got the bioweapon toxic injections remain healthy, let them keep getting boosted because they're insane.

Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 1:08 PM

Kamala knows, right?

Kamala tells how most people in the hospital with Kovid were vaccinated and most who died were vaccinated. So, doesn't that tell you that if you get vaxed, you're more llikely to go to the hospital and die? #Moses #ankh #anunnaki #frequency #knowledge #vibration #facts #wisdom #truth #manifestation #energy #chakras #chakra #goddess #anunnaki #god #wicked...By Why I left Religion w/Coach RenzFacebookBe much more serious in terms of its impact. A



#Moses #ankh #anunnaki #frequency #knowledge #vibration #facts #wisdom #...

#Moses #ankh #anunnaki #frequency #knowledge #vibration #facts #wisdom #truth #manifestation #energy #chakras #c...

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