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Proof Of Zionist Insanity

by steve - 2024-10-19 22:45:44 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

The video opens with about an 8-minute report on how Israel propaganda has swayed public opinion with the latest being the selling of sex to justify the Gaza genocide. It's really wild and bizarre. That alone is a good reason to watch this video.

But throughout the entire video is more amazing proof of Zionist insanity. There's one part showing interviews of Zionists that actually claim they are the only victims in the world and God has chosen them to rule and nobody else can justify their existence. They can kill anyone they want and rules don't apply to them. It's amazing to hear this total insanity. You really have to hear it yourself to believe anyone can actually think this.

Watch on Bitchute

On Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 08:02:34 AM PDT, someone wrote:

In their mental illness, they want death to all non-Ashkenazis (fake Semites) and there are millions who are so STUPID they have no problem going along with it (millions of 51/50 candidates)

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