![]() Important News: All CSU Campuses To Require Covid Shots For Fall 2021by doug - 2021-05-22 12:41:13 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildSent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 11:58 PMPresident@csuchico.edu ni@mail.csuchico.edu The HighWire To Whom It May Concern, Chico State president Hutchinson and the Chancellor Castro of CSU are acting criminally by this letter to students below about requiring a vaccine for covid for the fall semester. They are encouraging everyone to get an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine (more accurately gene therapy) that is in the stage 3 of trials. These will be trials running for 3 years. The first will not be completed until 2023 before the FDA can possibly give final approval. But by encouraging people to get it before fall on their own, feeble minded parents and students will finally succumb to this coercion they know deep down they shouldn't get. It is criminal to enforce anyone to get an Experimental treatment of any kind and they know this (or they should). So what could be their motive to get more people vaxed? Whatever it may be, they are going to be killing many students, faculty and related families, by their suggestion. Thousands have already died in the USA alone from these covid shots. Proof is found on the CDC's own VAERS database (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). Thousands more are disabled with horrific physical problems. Plus there are no long-term side effects known because we are only just recently starting these 3-year trials. Young students have ZERO chance of suffering from covid, especially when so much is already available for treatment for any influenza virus. There is a complete lack of any benefits from the covid vax, i.e. doesn't stop transmission, doesn't prevent from catching covid, still must mask, still must distance. The dangers of this extremely rushed vax that comes with no liability from the manufacturers, nor the government, are extremely high. My own daughter has attended Chico State for 2020/21 and plans to attend 2021/22 but will NEVER accept this "vaccine." Any attempts to enforce or coerce her into this medical procedure will be immediate grounds for a lawsuit. The insanity rampant in the American school system from K to University is absolutely shocking and this is merely the latest example of it. Fake science is being perpetrated on unsuspecting people and must stop immediately. A public retraction of this crazed letter to students MUST BE MADE IMMEDIATELY before anyone succumbs to complete and reckless stupidity and gets this life-endangering injection. Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 11:08 PM Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 3:11 PM Dear Students, This afternoon, Chancellor Joseph Castro announced the California State University system will require students, faculty, and staff at all 23 campuses to get vaccinated against covid-19 before the start of the fall semester. This announcement, made in tandem with University of California President Drake, means that students will attend universities with safer collegiate environments in the fall. The requirement will be conditional upon one or more of the vaccines gaining full approval by the FDA, which is expected to happen in the coming weeks, as well as the adequate availability of fully approved vaccines. The natural question that many of you will ask: What does this mean for the fall 2021 class schedule? In order to help students make the best possible decisions, we are doing two things. 1. For continuing students, we are moving the start of fall 2021 class registration from April 26 to May 5 to allow academic departments time to evaluate the schedule and consider adding more in-person classes. 2. For incoming students, we are extending the intent-to-enroll deadline to June 1.? We will provide updated information on timing of vaccine requirements, how students will verify they have been vaccinated, and the exemptions process once it becomes available. While we wait to share more details, I'm excited about what this means for Chico State. I'm hopeful we will be able to expand on-campus experiences. This also opens up the possibility of more athletic events, performances, lectures, and special events that make our campus a special place.? In the meantime, I strongly encourage all students who are able to get vaccinated to do so as soon as possible. Sincerely, Gayle Hutchinson President similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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