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How You Can Tell They're Lying About Covid

by bill - 2021-03-16 05:28:15 ( in life, health, covid, vaccines) [php version] rebuild

Their lips are moving? But, seriously.

"'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.' Thus famously spake Mark Twain. The plandemic has offered plenty of evidentiary fodder for Twain's observation.

The mix-up causation with association. They (The Experts, I mean) toss off fallacy, half-truth, and presupposition, secure in the knowledge that MSM viewers are not terrible equipped to detect the lies.

Enter Cornell Ph.D. statistician William M. Briggs, co-author of The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. If you've wondered how to spot the messy math and the decimal deceptions, this is the interview for you. Briggs breaks down the pie graphs and the colored charts for the nonmathematician set."

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See also plandemic-pt-1-judy-mikovits

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DISCLAIMER: We are not medical professionals but can comprehend the various articles linked on this site. Think for yourself. Make up your own mind. Those of us with reading comprehension skills and healthy immune systems are much better off trusting our own body rather than the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry.

"We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic (1) Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these 'cases' are in fact not 'cases' but rather they are normal healthy people."

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