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Glioblastoma Poliovirus Therapy

by steve - 2023-03-23 05:23:18 ( in life, health, cancer, treatment) [php version] rebuild

When [wife] got cancer AGAIN, she cleaned up her diet, going mostly vegan, and I was juicing carrots regularly for her for a while. That was a few years ago.

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 06:06:09 PM

Good to hear it's going well, but I wouldn't trust the medical criminals whatsoever. I'd trust the cancer cures through nutrition which go to the actual cause of cancer rather than symptoms of cancer.

Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 3:15 PM

Glioblastoma poliovirus therapy. This type of tumor, the most dangerous kind, is what I had removed, but Duke University Cancer Center has been successful injecting glioblastoma tumors with polio to get the immune system to kill the tumor. This is called immunotherapy, a groundbreaking new approach to treating cancer.

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