![]() Generation Zeroby steve - 2022-11-18 05:35:08 ( in education, research, people, generations) [php version] rebuildSeems they just refuse to work. If their parents don't keep supporting them, they'll all be beggars, muggers and prostitutes on the street in the coming years: And of course, they'll be crying for a guaranteed minimum wage... Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 2:39 PM Yeah, the ultimate losers, exactly the personality traits wanted by the slave masters / globalists. Great job, media! On 11/17/22 17:02, someone wrote: I don't blame anyone but their parents. On Nov 17, 2022, at 5:51 PM, someone wrote: It's easy to blame parents when you've never been one. On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 4:23 PM, someone wrote: Good one. We parents only have a limited amount of power over our kids. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 6:39 PM, someone said: These days parents are dealing with massive amounts of media brainwashing and CIA behavioral programming. It's so important to keep kids away from video games, movies, and electronic devices (as impossible as that seems) as much as possible because they're literally working to destroy them. Success is measured by the number of unthinking zombie types who don't have any drive to succeed and happy to be paid to stay home. Again, great job CIA and their gaslighting media. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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