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From Bill Ryan

by don - 2021-01-11 05:48:21 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

Like many others, I've been watching global situations play out over the

last few weeks with increasing disbelief. There's an element of

emotional onslaught and impact which is sometimes almost traumatic,

rather like incidents in war.

Veterans know how to deal with these kinds of things, but citizens are

getting bombarded. And as happens in any bombardment, people react in

sometimes very different ways. Snapping points are reached, each person

having their own threshold.

And separately, in the "fog of war", reliable information becomes a

precious commodity with hopium, despair, fake news and manipulative

opportunism all competing to be bought by the naive or unwary.

Many people, myself included, have been working on all this in

non-physical ways. Genuinely bewildering to me is that I've still always

been seeing Trump's second term.

That's never wavered, though it's harder by the minute to see how it can

all easily happen. For that to come about, something unforeseen has to

happen, and maybe absolutely right now.

And for those of you who still think all this is about "right" and

"left", it's NOT. It's about freedom and liberty. If anyone reading this

STILL can't see that, I don't know what to say.

I described Trump's victory to friends as being like it was written on a

clear, huge, cosmic board. I can see it each time I take a look. A

good friend wrote to me yesterday, making me laugh: /"If Trump really

does get that second term, I'm hiring you as my personal psychic."/ (I'd

accept the job!)

A few days ago, I reached out to *Pigtail Gurl* (see this interesting

thread: Pigtail Gurl with Starfire Tor: Prophecies, precognitions, and

much more


to ask what *Starfire Tor*, clearly an impressive psychic, might have to

add as an update. They have a new video out soon, so it's not my place

to say much here. But timelines have been changing like the weather, and

Starfire promises that there is good news ahead, though in unexpected ways.

I have no idea if that's more hopium. (I actually suspect not.) But

there's a lot of silly stuff out there, and while I'm still keeping

track of it all, my default position is to disregard *Kim Goguen, Simon

Parkes, Robert David Steele*, and [definitely!] *Charlie Ward.

Adams* seems to be trigger-happy for a shooting war, while *Alex Jones*

veers wildly from being depressed to enraged to cautiously hopeful.

The best sources of good information might be *Jeffrey Prather* (see his

excellent recent video

titled 'CURAHEE!'), closely followed by *Joel Skousen, Catherine Austin

Fitts, *and *Daniel Liszt,* the Dark Journalist.

DaveToo asked in his Crystal ball for 2021

poll how members thought (or felt!) 2021 would be. So far, there's a

50-50 split of opinion between better than 2020, and worse.

My own thoughts are that it gets worse, but then ends up better. At

least, I'd suggest that so _very_ much is now slam-dunk obvious. Many

things that people were a little unclear about even just a few months

ago are now right there in our faces.

And if an enemy, or a danger, is there to be faced, it's SO much easier

to be able to see it clearly.

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