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Feds Forcing Reduction Of Fertilizer Shipments To Farmers (starve Us?)

by doug - 2022-04-24 03:18:38 ( in education, research, emails, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

Notice that one farmer comments it can't happen at a worse time -- idiots will say it is just a coincidence, nothing to suspect here.

This will push at least some of them out if business. But I hope others will see their dependence on fertilizer and the poison in what they produce can be solved by some genius ideas to become organic. They may have to downsize to finance the conversion to wholesome food products.

It reminds me of a definition I recently heard .

The modern Democrat is defined as someone who supports whatever the latest thing the government ( and media) says they should support.

If you don't automatically support the latest thing the government says you should support, by default that makes you the modern Republican.

Similarly if you have the gall to object to anything happening in the government that makes you a domestic terrorist.

You're also a domestic terrorist if you refuse to get their heavily suggested injections.

Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2022 8:08 AM Re:

yeah, Soros is a good guy. that's why to be with him for Ukraine

On Saturday, April 23, 2022, 07:35:42 AM

someone wrote:

Soros is funding some of these enemies of America. He is a short seller who makes money destroying countries


On 4/22/22 17:06 someone wrote:

No, they're trying to destroy America, and successfully so far. "You will have nothing but you will be hungry." (paraphrase)

On 4/22/22 16:52:

more proof of democrat mental illness

On Friday, April 22, 2022, 02:40:16 PM

someone wrote:

yes, the Democrats are trying to force a food crisis so they can blame it on global warming

On 4/22/22 11:18:

Notice that one farmer comments it can't happen at a worse time -- idiots will say it is just a coincidence, nothing to suspect here.

This will push at least some of them out if business. But I hope others will see their dependence on fertilizer and the poison in what they produce can be solved by some genius ideas to become organic. They may have to downsize to finance the conversion to wholesome food products.

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