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Family Gems Of Old

by doug - 2024-02-17 18:33:44 ( in family, holmes, mementos) [php version] rebuild

Just now I perused some of the family newsletters Bill wrote about 35 years ago. So funny!! They are a real family treasure now. Of course, these were all kept in a folder by Dad.

Included there was something I remember writing about Halloween maybe around 1993 when I found various of our ancestors' dates of death, and created fictional stories of their gruesome deaths close to the birthdates of family members. Some later asked if they were true stories. haha

Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 10:10 PM

Natalia suggested that I bind them like a coffee table book. I like that idea. Then, as you suggest, I'll bury it out in the field. haha

And I'll take a series of pictures of my Halloween joke.

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