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End Game Documentary Series

by doug - 2021-05-19 08:04:33 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

END GAME -- free documentary 9-part series starting May 25th

Let's be honest, the average person's reaction to C0VID was not good.

If we don't wake up and change what we're doing soon it could lead to the end of Western Civilization.

Our supply chain has been exposed as FRAGILE. From debilitating ice storms and power grid failures in Texas, to pipeline ransoms and gas shortages all along the East Coast of the U.S., we're in for a lot of pain and suffering.

Personally, I don't want to be the deer caught in the proverbial headlights as piece-by-piece the services and materials I've grown accustomed to are made unavailable.

That's why I'm gearing up to watch the new docuseries from Revealed Films all about the End Game and how to survive the Great Reset.

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