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Eleanor And Lionel

by bill - 2001-08-26 21:00:00 ( in family, holmes, lionel, obituaries) [php version] rebuild

Eleanor's back surgery was a success!

"Everyone warned me against back surgery," she says. "But, I'd be in a wheelchair now if I hadn't had surgery!"

O Progresso newsletter

New book! Portuguese Pioneers of the Sacramento Area by Lionel Holmes and Joseph D'Alessandro


  • Graduated from St. Mary's College (in Moraga, CA) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 1941 and went to work for the Oakland Tribune as copy editor. He served in WW2 in Guadalcanal, then in France and England until 1945.
    • One minor correction, for your information. I didn't serve in France or England. I was a member of the Army medical detachment aboard the USS Mariposa, sailing out of Boston, which took troops to Europe and brought back wounded and others. We anchored off Dover to take aboard some civilians bound for US and Canada, but I never got ashore. Then we took troops to Calais, France. On another voyage we went to Marseilles, where I did go ashore. So, technically, I suppose, I did serve in those countries; also Italy, but not actually. It was on a trip to Italy that we boarded the Brazilian Expeditionary Force that had joined the Allies there, and took them back to Rio -- my first visit to Brazil.
  • Married Irene Edithof Brooklyn, NY in 1945. He transferred from his job in NY at McGraw-Hill Publishers to Niteroi, Brazil (across from Rio de Janeiro) in 1952 serving simultaneously as Bureau Chief for McGraw-Hill World News (serving some 30 business magazines, including Business Week and Aviation Week) and Manager of McGraw-Hill International Corporation's Brazil office, and later transferring to São Paulo by 1954. Moved to Sacramento, CA in 1955 working for the Department of Water Resources and then Fish & Game where he was an assistant information officer. In the 1960s he became the chief press officer at the Department of Employment. Still as chief press officer, he transferred to the Board of Equalization in the 1970s and then to the Department of Motor Vehicles, where he had been their Public Information Officer until he retired in 1981.
  • Founding member of the Portuguese Historical & Cultural Society in 1979, where he served as its president from 1985 to 1986. Editor of "O Progresso" since 1979, the voice of the PHCS, a very highly praised newsletter. Author of the book "Portuguese Pioneers of the Sacramento Area" (co-authored by Joseph D'Alessandro, founder of PHCS) in 1990, which has been reprinted three times and is used as a model reference for how any Portuguese community can publish the story of their people and history.
  • Received the Gold Medal of Merit for Portuguese Community Services bestowed by the president of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, the highest honor available to a citizen of a foreign country, at a ceremony with the Portuguese Consul of San Francisco on 13 July 1997 in Sacramento.
  • Remains active now in compiling the family genealogies of the Portuguese residents of Sacramento.
Source: Doug Holmes; Azores Genealogy Specialist; Sacramento, California

Eleanor's obituary

Lionel's sister, Dolores, in 1936 after being crowned Queen.

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