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Decent Breakfast Place?

by bill - 2010-04-30 10:42:44 ( in culture, food, restaurants, breakfast) [php version] rebuild

Calling all breakfast eaters: Does anyone know of a decent place for breakfast near Nashville's (BNA) airport? My sister is passing through town next weekend and wants to have breakfast with Elizabeth (everyone else is secondary). We have a short time frame (2 or 3 hours) for breakfast before her flight leaves. The only breakfast places near the airport we can find are Shoney's and Waffle House. Tara hates Shoney's, and as for Waffle House, well, Tara and I have a long-running joke ever since we started dating that if one of us ever took the other to Waffle House, it meant we were breaking up. :) So, that's out.

There has GOT to be something better than these crappy chains! So, I repeat: Does anyone know of a decent breakfast place near the airport? Thanks!

UPDATE: We couldn't find anything, and settled for Shoney's. :(

FURTHER UPDATE: The only one of these anywhere close to the airport is the Pfunky Griddle, and it is good.

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