![]() Crunch The Numbersby jordan roberts - 2022-10-13 15:42:05 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild20 million saved or 20 million killed https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/20-million-saved-or-20-million-killed?3Dpost&3Dweb&3Ddirect truth is treason in the empire of lies An article in the Lancet claims that 20 million lives were saved with the use of injections. (Note, the injections are not 'vaccines', they are gene therapies, that is therapeutics like Ivermectin, that should have been regulated as therapeutics. The manufacturers state this in their regulatory submissions and SEC filings. Here is the article: Global impact of the first year of covid-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study -- The Lancet Infectious Diseases A bright red flag is here: 'This work was supported by a Schmidt Science Fellowship in partnership with the Rhodes Trust (OJW), Centre funding from the UK Medical Research Council (all authors), grant funding from WHO (OJW, ABH, PW, and ACG), Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, and the & Melinda Gates Foundation (JT and ACG), support from the Imperial College Research Fellowship (PW and ABH), and support from the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Modelling Methodology and Community Jameel (all authors). We thank Sondre Ulvund Solstad from The Economist for developing excess mortality statistics and their help in interpreting these estimates.' There is an excellent critique of the content here: Did covid Vaccines Save Tens of Millions of Lives? =E2=8B=86 Brownstone Institute A single logical fallacy destroys the claims in the piece published on the Lancet. Brownstone (Roger Koops) describes it like this: 'C. Population Susceptibility The above piece completely ignores the huge gradient in mortality susceptibility in the population. Younger people have had very low infection mortality throughout the past two years. The mathematical models assume the same level of mortality susceptibility across all populations. This assumption we know to be a fallacy and completely negates any of their 'models.' In other words, the Lancet piece assumes that the young have the same remaining life as the elderly. Ludicrous. Instead, there needs to be a discussion around how many people the injections have killed or wounded with conditions that will develop into morbidities. A reminder of the logic that the injections have killed 20 million people. Add the EUDRA and VAERS adverse event data on deaths and 'events' together, multiply by an under-reporting factor of 40, globalize the EU+US one eighth share of 12.5 billion global doses. VAERS (take only the US data) 13,972 deaths and 854,084 adverse reactions to 5 August 2022 VAERS Summary for covid-19 Vaccines through 8/5/2022 " VAERS Analysis EUDRA (ignore the headline and scoot to the first image on the landing page) 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries 76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following covid-19 Vaccines -- Vaccine Impact Number of US injections =3D around 600m (increased to 608 million in the last few weeks) CDC covid Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US Number of EU injections =3D around 900m (increased to 915 million in the last few weeks) Number of global injections =3D around 12 billion (increased to 12.5 billion in the last few weeks) Coronavirus (covid-19) Vaccinations -- Our World in Data The Lazarus Report showing less than one in 100 vaccination injuries are reported -- see page 6 of 7 here that states '..fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of 'problem' drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.' Electronic Support for Public Health"Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) (ahrq.gov) Using a one in 100 under-reporting factor (URF) would make the injections horribly deadly and injurious (1.4 million deaths and 85 million injuries for the 600 million doses administered). A more recent attempt at estimating the URF is around 40, here: Determining the VAERS Under-Reporting Multiplier (healthimpactnews.com) So, EU+US deaths =3D 13,972 + 46,999 =3D 60,971 deaths and EU+US injuries =3D 854,084 + 6,089,773 =3D 6,943,857 (multiple per person, half of which are 'serious'). Multiply by 40 for URF and then by 8 to 'globalize' Global deaths are around 19.5 million SO FAR and global injuries are around 2.2 ion. Those injuries are likely to develop into 'conditions' and then morbidities. WHO do you believe? "-///"-'If it had been known two years ago or so, that this vaccine would increase cardiac deaths in young men by 84%, would they have approved it? The obvious answer is no." https://twitter.com/i/status/1579631589612748800 "-///"-Macron and most MPs aren't vaxed. Why? (Work it out for yourself. #CanYouSeeItYet?) https://twitter.com/i/status/1579567313082544129 French MP Jean Lassalle who had 4 heart operations after his =F0=9F'=89=F0=9F'=89almost killed him says Mad Macron and most MPs aren't vaxed. (What a surprise!) Watch this short clip. "-///"-VICTORIA At midnight: from pumpkin to what..? https://open.substack.com/pub/unbekoming/p/victoria?r=3D17udoy&3Dios&3Dpost =E2=96=B7 LISTEN Share I'm part of a small WhatsApp group of sane and awake friends who have managed to keep each other sane mainly by listening to each other's rants during the GMC. A friend from that group, living in Melbourne, posted the summary below, recently. It's worthy of its own stack, as another historical record of what, as my friend calls, the 'Despicable They' have done and continue to do us, our families, friends and loved ones. We live in New South Wales, and truthfully, we got off lightly compared to Victoria. All States and their Premiers, with the Federal Government turning a blind eye, competed for the 'Best Rookie Dictator' Award, and Dan Andrews of Victoria won that prize, quite comfortably in the end. He had stiff competition at times from Mark McGowan (WA) and Annastacia Palaszczuk (Qld) but in the end he was a worthy winner. "As we said at the time, it was regrettable such tough restrictions had to be implemented." The Federal Gov. is complicit in the crimes of the Andrews Gov. The continue to frame the Vic crime as something that was necessary. What a shameful group of sociopathic careerists. Hunt @HuntMP Victorian Restrictions Joint Statement -- https://t.co/z6F8QR01Jp https://t.co/67Ca66axnL 11:08 PM =E2=88=99 Oct 18, 2020 With thanks to my friend. At midnight on 12th October .... after 2 years, 7 months and 29 days the Pandemic Declaration will lapse in VICTORIA ...it is the successor of our extended State of Emergency which came to an (unnatural) end in Nov 2021 after going for 15 months longer than ever intended .... These reprehensible pieces of legislation (like others across Australia) are the tools used to smash our civil liberties and destroy our community...whilst I know you know; the following is a summary of what Vic was commanded to do/not do over a fucking head cold stay inside for all but 1 hour per day remain indoors after 9 pm not travel outside 5km no school (face to face) no work without permit no pub, entertainment, sport, playgrounds, restaurants, or clothes shopping no friends or family visits no funerals or end of life visits no surgery masks outdoors masks indoors GP visits with masks in carparks borders closures between NSW and SA... no crossing borders to return home no overseas travel to or from approving Vax for youth, then children the babies =F0=9F=98=A1 Vax mandates for workers (ALL) Vax mandates for schooling Vax mandates for shopping Vax mandates for entertainment Vax mandates for travel mandatory testing for travel mandatory testing for school mandatory testing for GP and hospital visits masks on PT and ride share I'm sure I've missed some.... the saddest thing is we look to return the Andrews Labor government in this state next month... I'll raise a glass at midnight Wednesday as I allow the indignity of all the accumulated indignities wash over me... #neverforget similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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