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Covid Origin Links To US Defense Dept

by don - 2021-09-22 21:46:44 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild


actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this.

Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they

turned him down

On 9/22/21 10:14 PM:

and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year

prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll

probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes.

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM


a summary:

*Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric

Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious

To Humans*

*A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan

Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to

secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA

to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make

them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the

subsequent outbreak and pandemic.*

The Lon Telegraph reports

the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set

up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of


The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US

government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying

the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to

the human population.

The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists

"submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing

'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in

Yunnan, China."

The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering

the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites,"

essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells.

This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first

genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest

the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab.

The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under

scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the

plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth



who later attempted to shut down scientific debate

on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli

were intimately involved.

Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of

Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a

genetically altered virus


said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding.

"This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and

polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more

than one cell line," Dalgleish said.

The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the

agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter

Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning

that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses

had not been undertaken.

Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons

development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips


cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of

function plan was nuts.

The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World

Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was

alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more

deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)."

"The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses,"

the source warned.

Those findings dovetail with previous revelations

in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was

undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan,

including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser

security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to

the outbreak.

MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting

"If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to

covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be

nearly apocalyptic."

Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that

we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of

human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific

community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted."

The accumulating scientific evidence

that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's

record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an

adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened.

On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:


actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this.

Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they

turned him down

On 9/22/21 10:14 PM:

and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year

prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll

probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes.

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM


a summary:

*Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric

Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious

To Humans*

*A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan

Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to

secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA

to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make

them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the

subsequent outbreak and pandemic.*

The Lon Telegraph reports

the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set

up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of


The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US

government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying

the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to

the human population.

The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists

"submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing

'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in

Yunnan, China."

The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering

the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites,"

essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells.

This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first

genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest

the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab.

The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under

scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the

plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth



who later attempted to shut down scientific debate

on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli

were intimately involved.

Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of

Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a

genetically altered virus


said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding.

"This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and

polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more

than one cell line," Dalgleish said.

The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the

agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter

Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning

that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses

had not been undertaken.

Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons

development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips


cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of

function plan was nuts.

The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World

Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was

alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more

deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)."

"The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses,"

the source warned.

Those findings dovetail with previous revelations

in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was

undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan,

including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser

security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to

the outbreak.

MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting

"If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to

covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be

nearly apocalyptic."

Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that

we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of

human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific

community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted."

The accumulating scientific evidence

that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's

record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an

adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened.

On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:


actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this.

Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they

turned him down

On 9/22/21 10:14 PM:

and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year

prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll

probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes.

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM


a summary:

*Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric

Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious

To Humans*

*A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan

Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to

secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA

to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make

them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the

subsequent outbreak and pandemic.*

The Lon Telegraph reports

the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set

up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of


The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US

government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying

the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to

the human population.

The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists

"submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing

'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in

Yunnan, China."

The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering

the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites,"

essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells.

This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first

genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest

the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab.

The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under

scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the

plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth



who later attempted to shut down scientific debate

on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli

were intimately involved.

Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of

Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a

genetically altered virus


said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding.

"This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and

polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more

than one cell line," Dalgleish said.

The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the

agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter

Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning

that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses

had not been undertaken.

Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons

development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips


cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of

function plan was nuts.

The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World

Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was

alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more

deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)."

"The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses,"

the source warned.

Those findings dovetail with previous revelations

in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was

undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan,

including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser

security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to

the outbreak.

MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting

"If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to

covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be

nearly apocalyptic."

Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that

we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of

human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific

community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted."

The accumulating scientific evidence

that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's

record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an

adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened.

On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:


actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this.

Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they

turned him down

On 9/22/21 10:14 PM:

and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year

prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll

probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes.

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM


a summary:

*Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric

Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious

To Humans*

*A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan

Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to

secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA

to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make

them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the

subsequent outbreak and pandemic.*

The Lon Telegraph reports

the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set

up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of


The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US

government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying

the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to

the human population.

The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists

"submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing

'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in

Yunnan, China."

The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering

the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites,"

essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells.

This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first

genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest

the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab.

The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under

scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the

plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth



who later attempted to shut down scientific debate

on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli

were intimately involved.

Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of

Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a

genetically altered virus


said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding.

"This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and

polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more

than one cell line," Dalgleish said.

The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the

agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter

Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning

that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses

had not been undertaken.

Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons

development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips


cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of

function plan was nuts.

The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World

Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was

alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more

deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)."

"The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses,"

the source warned.

Those findings dovetail with previous revelations

in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was

undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan,

including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser

security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to

the outbreak.

MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting

"If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to

covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be

nearly apocalyptic."

Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that

we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of

human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific

community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted."

The accumulating scientific evidence

that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's

record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an

adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened.

On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:


a summary:

*Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric

Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To


*A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute

of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14

million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA to

genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them

more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent

outbreak and pandemic.*

The Lon Telegraph reports

the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up

by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of covid-19.

The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US

government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying

the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to

the human population.

The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists

"submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing

'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in

Yunnan, China."

The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the

bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites," essentially

making it easier for the virus to get into human cells.

This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first genetically

sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest

the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab.

The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under

scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the plan

to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance


who later attempted to shut down scientific debate

on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli

were intimately involved.

Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of

Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a

genetically altered virus


said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding.

"This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and

polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more

than one cell line," Dalgleish said.

The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the

agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak

could have put local communities at risk", and further warning that

proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses had

not been undertaken.

Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons development

agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips


cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of

function plan was nuts.

The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World

Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was

alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more

deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)."

"The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses,"

the source warned.

Those findings dovetail with previous revelations

in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was

undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan,

including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser

security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to

the outbreak.

MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting

"If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to

covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be

nearly apocalyptic."

Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that we

find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of

human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific

community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted."

The accumulating scientific evidence

that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's

record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an

adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened.

On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:


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