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CA Dictatorship Lockdown 2.0

by steve - 2023-08-31 ( education / research ) [html version]

I went to the site.Yeah, the video is true.Of course the virus didn't go away. Viruses NEVER GO AWAY. It reminds me of when I worked for the Cal Dept of Food and Ag's "control and eradication" unit. NOTHING was ever eradicated so it was a perpetual job for the higher ups. PS (have any flu viruses ever gone away? (NO). Do we LIVE WITH THEM? (yes)But if you're a liberal, I recommend a plastic mask over your head and locking yourself down, for yourself to be safe and so I'm safe FROM YOU.

On Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 11:58:46 PM


Shows online docs about the new lockdown.


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