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Brazil To Mandate Covid Shots For Children As Young As 6 Months

by doug - 2020-09-12 10:55:50 ( in life, health, covid) [php version] rebuild

Now that's a sign that would convince me to take it! LOL


Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 1:54 PM Re:

You don't trust the best politicians money can buy? Take the needle! :-)

On 9/11/20 3:46 PM:

LOL -- you think that is convincing?

What is genius is how Trump has managed to get democrats to question the vaccine. They are not smart enough (applies to most Republicans, too) to know they should question ALL vaccines. But it is a great achievement.

Now when he flips to say Fauci and the CDC have been lying to the public about vaccine safety which is impossible to achieve, the conversation will probably flip to why are we not questioning all vaccines?

And for people on a death mission, they can take the vaccine.


Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 10:39 AM

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |
X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trump and the Military to Take Back the Country

X22 Report " Patel Patriot: Devolution was Strategically Planned by Trum...

Patel Patriot begins the conversation explaining what devolution is and why Trump and the military went in this ...

Secret to human history (Part 5)

Secret to human history (Part 5)

so trueit will be neighbors who get convinced that if anybody doesn't komply, they are a danger to humanity and will go along with destroying that person when we go to digital "money" and the satanists zero out the bank accounts of anybody who won't komply to starve them into kompliance

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:42:17 PM


Smart Jew. Very short explanation of the new holocaust.




Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

Peak Into Patreon: Obama's Way to Power

It's just a story, but I vividly remember in a Wilbur Smith book who writes about Africa, how swarms of locusts would darken the sky, destroying the leaves and all vegetation and leaving nothing for humans to survive on. Yet the tiny pigmy tracker was stuffing himself on all the locusts like it was a wonderful time. ________________________________

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 AM chitin In one of the recent videos that posted, one person mentioned that we ought not eat bugs because chitin is dangerous. Yeah, I saw that in some other video, too. I was pretty sure that in ancient times, people did eat locusts (as mentioned in the bible). So to me this "info" shows how gullible people are, not doing research on their own. (No, I do want want to swallow the idea that I can help save the world by eating bugs instead of animal meat)

--_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem. I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down. ________________________________

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, someone wrote: Big Brother loves you. George Orwell Quotes


Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM ; ;; ;; Jo=C3=A3o ; Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them. Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE. These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM Jo=C3=A3o watching CNN a Criminal Offense? If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING: ALARM! ALARM! According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda... --_000_BYAPR08MB5624846E8B2654B76BA4F3DAD1D9ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable It's seriously mind boggling how people can't even begin to see the problem.

I feel sorry for what shock will happen when the sh-t finally hits the fan and they are caught with their pants down.

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; ; <bill>
  but that unelected DEMONIC EUGENICIST wants people to be ignorant? Sounds like old Commie Soviet Union. I guess leftists are SO IGNORANT that they hadn't thought of that. I just shake my head at their seemingly accepting tyranny so easily

On Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 06:33:02 AM

PDT, <bill> someone wrote:

Big Brother loves you.


George Orwell Quotes



Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:06 AM
; ; ; ; ; ; ; Val ; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;


Yes, people who advocate censorship might not realize it will later be applied to them.


Just look at the 2002 or so Patriot Act to spy on terrorists. Now it's applied to EVERYONE.


These criminals in government don't give a sh-t about you.


Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 10:53 PM
; <1955>; <andjune>; <bill>; ; ; ; ; <.>; ; ; <kathy>; ; ; ; <.73>; Jo=C3=A3o ; ; ;
watching CNN a Criminal Offense?


If you don't like that PUSHED on the World by Klaus Schwab, would you also be against watching "alternative media"? Well, that's what this UNELECTED PERSON who people seem to let him become GOD is DICTATING:




According to a disturbing memo issued by Davos, the WEF has called on its Young Global Leaders to lay the founda...




Why the question mark? The illegitimate president there stole the election and is taking away their guns, etc. ________________________________

Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 4:16 PM brazilian eugenics? Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months Brazil to Mandate covid Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the covid vaccine to the country's mandatory vaccination schedule ...

In a FB edible gardening group, I mentioned my low success growing potatoes, first in the ground and then in bags. Here's a reply that I got, though I haven't had time to look at it yet: ! You may know much of what I've written below, if you do please excuse the lengthy response. My family runs a commercial growing operation on 1300 acres and one of the crops we raise are potatoes. My son was doing a project on container gardening last year that I helped him with and the results were surprisingly good. I don't want to over burden you with all kinds of information, I just want help folks have more fun in the garden!!As it relates to spuds, they don't need the best soil. Container soil for potatoes is equal parts of these three ingredients..-compost-coarse sand-potting soilThe potting soil usually contains a little perlite which helps with aeration, while the sand helps with drainage. The compost provides nutrients and helps moisture retention.Few other items to remember about potatoes. Several weeks before planting (3), put your potatoes on a window sill that gets plenty of light, you're trying to get the potatoes out of dormancy and sprout or 'chit' as the old timers called it. Sprouting potatoes before planting assures you the seed potato is viable and helps determine the size of the end product. You want no more than three sprouts or chits on your potatoes at planting, this will give medium to large potatoes, if you plant with more than three, you'll get more quantity but they'll be smaller. If you're trying to grow a large spud for a contest plant only with one sprout..more sprout smaller potatoes, less sprouts larger potatoes. For the first 4-5 weeks after emergence, nitrogen is a potato's friend. Nitrogen will help develop a tall, strong and dense canopy, the super structure that will eventually support tuber production. A dense canopy also keeps the soil cooler and suppresses weeds.Potato plants can be deceiving, there'll be a healthy green plant above the soil with nothing going on below. Spuds are temperature sensitive and once soil temps rise above 85f tuber production stops and the stolons (large root like appendages) that tubers grow from, die off. Not sure where you live and garden, but for us in Texas that means planting in February and harvesting no later than May. You'll need to water at least 1.5' each week, more if temperatures spike, and lastly; at the (5) five week mark begin feeding your potatoes with potassium. Potassium aids in the 'bulking' phase helping you produce the potatoes you're used to seeing in the store. We use a blended granular product with an NPK of 0-20-20 and side dress twice between 5 and=EF=BF=BC
[wife] liked the 6 feet apart rule

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 04:21:10 AM

PST, someone wrote: Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid (really stupid) thing about that "rule" is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM, someone wrote: In 2020, first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some highschool student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat= I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult..

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM = The admission that "six feet apart" "came out of nowhere" is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM, someone wrote: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth is the 6 feet apart scam.

Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM further proof that Fauci has always been full of it = "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the covid= lab-leak= hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. (thenationalpulse) -- - -- - -- -

Putin and Russia fighting the kazarian mafia: =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi | | | | | | | | =EF"=A5=EF=BF=BDMUST-HEAR=EF"=A5=EF=BF=BD: Riccardo Bosi Riccardo Bosi " a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, and the leader of the AustraliaOne p... | | |
The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump no surprise: | | | | | | | | The Jewish Banksters Own Donald Trump Jewish Daily Forward, January 9, 2017: "How Shel Adelson's Bet on Trump Made Him 2016 Election's Biggest Winn... | | |
Yeah, Biden's eugenicist friends didn't want people healed with Ivermectin so they called it "horse medicine" but REAL SCIENCE actually won out in a rare instance when biden pretending to be a real President and not just a puppet. FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post | | | | | | | | FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial 'Stop It' Post The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged peop... | | |
Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda | | | | | | | | Davos in the Desert: Counteracting the Globalist Lockdown Agenda 'Davos in the Desert' is a new anti-globalist movement, which recently held a conference called 'Lockdown Nation... | | |
Climate SCAM is an INDUSTRY: Climate The Movie | | | Climate The Movie #ClimateTheMovie #TheRealTrust #Climate #TheNewClass #climatechange #wakeup #environment Climate The Movie (Th... | | |

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"We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic (1) Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these 'cases' are in fact not 'cases' but rather they are normal healthy people."

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