Billionaires Behind The Transgender Movementby steve - 2023-04-25 16:36:52 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildIt's about eugenics, reducing the world's population and only having enough SLAVES as "needed" to Serve the "royalty." On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 07:33:07 PM : They're sure on board, but it's all part of the no gender, no natural human reproductive movement of these non-humans. Once nobody can have children, they must hope their genes are good enough for their masters to allow them to have half-human/half-AI biosynthetic Borg humans. Some will just laugh but just remember this and wait to see what happens. Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 4:28 PM The Strykers decided they could make a lot ot of money replacing parts and hormones on millions of kids: The Strykers Reminds me of the GMO food movement: Replace nature and make a lot of money. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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